Hi William,

On 2014-05-28, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> With properties, guess what happens?   Suppose f.something is a
> property that's an immutable number, e.g., the determinant of a
> matrix.
>  sage: a = matrix(...)
>  sage: a.det?
>  docstring about integer!

That's not true, if det is a property:
 sage: class MyMatrix(object):
 ....:     @property
 ....:     def det(self):
 ....:         "Determinants are computed by..."
 ....:         return 5
 sage: m = MyMatrix()
 sage: m.det
 sage: m.det?
 Type:       property
 String Form:<property object at 0x904b2fc>
 Docstring:  Determinants are computed by...

> And the above just makes absolutely no sense.  The user expects to get
> a docstring about a function that computes the determinant, ...

She in fact does. That's the difference between attributes and


> Another issue is that frequently in math we have algorithms/options to
> functions, e.g.,
>   sage: a.det(algorithm="padic")
> Expressing the above with properties is awkward and hard to discover.


Best regards,

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