It is possible that the /tmp installation is broken anyway. With 
I get 4 out of 4 failures because some paths point back to the original 
directory, but some not and the underlying files are not there (numpy for 
Moreover, none of the 6.2 TestsPassed runs (n=47) is an unsafe ticket and
thus a /tmp install.

The snapshot method proposed in another thread gets increasingly
attractive to me.

On Friday, May 16, 2014 3:58:21 PM UTC+2, Peter Bruin wrote:
> It would be great if that worked.  I disabled the tmp directory for the 
> moment and am testing all tickets in the same directory, but that can leave 
> the tree in a bad state.
> Peter
> Op vrijdag 16 mei 2014 10:03:01 UTC+1 schreef Ralf Stephan:
>> Ah I finally found the relevant upstream ticket:
>> which appears resolved with setuptools-3.5.2
>> Next is testing of a version >= 3.5.2
>> Regards,
>> On Thursday, May 15, 2014 9:53:36 AM UTC+2, Ralf Stephan wrote:
>>> It may be possible to test newer package versions in patchbot without
>>> official ticket by forking Sage on github, installing the package in the 
>>> local
>>> Sage, publish the changed branch on github, and use that branch as
>>> base_repo with patchbot. This may work also with unsafe tickets because
>>> the cloning into /tmp copies upstream/ too. I'm testing that soon.
>>> If this doesn't work then my fork of patchbot soon will have a version
>>> with a --keep-tmp option that doesn't delete failed installs in /tmp so
>>> that the setuptools problem can be postmortemed. I have stopped
>>> making pull requests at robertb/patchbot.
>>> Regards,
>>> On Tuesday, May 13, 2014 9:51:17 PM UTC+2, Peter Bruin wrote:
>>>> I started a patchbot based on 6.3.beta1, and the problem has 
>>>> unfortunately popped up again with the new setuptools version:
>>>> Op woensdag 7 mei 2014 10:05:32 UTC+1 schreef Ralf Stephan:
>>>>> People running patchbot with errors on setuptools install please try
>>>>> version 2.2b1 of setuptools and report if this changes the behaviour
>>>>> or not.
>>>>> Regards,

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