On Tuesday, May 6, 2014 12:14:50 AM UTC+2, William wrote:

> Hi, 
> Does anybody know how much RAM is required to build Sage these days. 
>  With MAKE not set, typing "make" with sage-6.2.rc2 on a VM with 4GB 
> RAM results in failure (see below).  Of course, I'm not using swap, 
> and of course with swap you can do anything if you're willing to wait. 
>  That said, it would be very useful to have some sort of statement 
> about required RAM, like we now have for disk space: "Make sure you 
> have the dependencies and 5 GB of free disk space." 
> [reference] build succeeded. 
> Build finished. The built documents can be found in 
> /usr/local/sage/sage-6.2.rc2 
> /src/doc/output/html/en/reference 
> Error building the documentation. 
> Traceback (most recent call last): 

>     self.pid = os.fork() 
> OSError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory 
> make: *** [doc-html] Error 1 
> real    233m9.925s 
> user    197m29.292s 
> sys     22m18.145s 
> salvus@salvus-base:/usr/local/sage/sage-6.2.rc2$ echo $MAKE 
Retry that with SAGE_NUM_THREADS={1,2} ?

2 GB should IMHO be sufficient to build the docs (with 1 thread);  testing 
is another issue because of a few still greedy tests...


P.S.:  If you haven't set MAKE, Sage "guesses" the number of threads to use 
to build the Sage library as well as the docs, AFAIK.

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