Hello Sampath,
      I have tried to install kash and here are the results I get by
passing in the commands you have passed

sage: K.<a> = NumberField(x^13 + 3*x + 5)
sage: K.galois_group()
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-15-53b0dca27e76> in <module>()
----> 1 K.galois_group()

in sage.misc.cachefunc.CachedMethodCaller.__call__

in sage.misc.cachefunc.CachedMethod._instance_call

in galois_group(self, type, algorithm, names)
   4404         if type is None:
-> 4405             return GaloisGroup_v2(self, names)
   4407         elif type=="pari":

in __init__(self, number_field, names)
    183         if not number_field.is_galois():
--> 184             self._galois_closure, self._gc_map =
number_field.galois_closure(names=names, map=True)
    185         else:
    186             self._galois_closure, self._gc_map = (number_field,
number_field.hom(number_field.gen(), number_field))

in galois_closure(self, names, map)
   6836               Defn: a |--> 1/240*cc^5 - 41/120*cc
   6837         """
-> 6838         L, self_into_L = self._galois_closure_and_embedding(names)
   6839         if map:
   6840             return (L, self_into_L)

in _galois_closure_and_embedding(self, names)
   6753         """
   6754         if names is None:
-> 6755             raise TypeError("You must specify the name of the
   6757         try:

TypeError: You must specify the name of the generator.

sage: K.galois_group('pari')
Galois group Transitive group number 9 of degree 13 of the Number Field in
a with defining polynomial x^13 + 3*x + 5
sage: K.galois_group('gap')
Galois group Transitive group number 9 of degree 13 of the Number Field in
a with defining polynomial x^13 + 3*x + 5

I guess passing the type might give the answer.

On Sat, Apr 19, 2014 at 4:16 PM, Kannappan Sampath <kntri...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello sage-devel:
> I am trying to prepare a notebook for a SAGE demo at my institute. In
> rying to compute the Galois group, I am stuck here. SAGE complains that I
> have to install KASH while I already have KASH installed.
> sage: K.<a> = NumberField(x^13 + 3*x + 5)
> sage: K.galois_group()
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> NotImplementedError                       Traceback (most recent call
> last)
> <ipython-input-6-53b0dca27e76> in <module>()
> ----> 1 K.galois_group()
> /Users/apple/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/misc/cachefunc.soin 
> sage.misc.cachefunc.CachedMethodCaller.__call__
> (sage/misc/cachefunc.c:8679)()
> /Users/apple/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/misc/cachefunc.soin 
> sage.misc.cachefunc.CachedMethod._instance_call
> (sage/misc/cachefunc.c:11344)()
> /Users/apple/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/rings/number_field/number_field.pyin
> galois_group(self, type, algorithm, names)
> *   4404*
> *   4405*         if type is None:
> -> 4406             return GaloisGroup_v2(self, names)
> *   4407*
> *   4408*         elif type=="pari":
> /Users/apple/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/rings/number_field/galois_group.pyin
> __init__(self, number_field, names)
> *    181*         self._number_field = number_field
> *    182*
> --> 183         if not number_field.is_galois():
> *    184*             self._galois_closure, self._gc_map = number_field.
> galois_closure(names=names, map=True)
> *    185*         else:
> /Users/apple/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/rings/number_field/number_field.pyin
> is_galois(self)
> *   4304*             False
> *   4305*         """
> -> 4306         return self.galois_group(type="pari").order() == self.
> degree()
> *   4307*
> *   4308*     @cached_method
> /Users/apple/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/misc/cachefunc.soin 
> sage.misc.cachefunc.CachedMethodCaller.__call__
> (sage/misc/cachefunc.c:8679)()
> /Users/apple/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/misc/cachefunc.soin 
> sage.misc.cachefunc.CachedMethod._instance_call
> (sage/misc/cachefunc.c:11344)()
> /Users/apple/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/rings/number_field/number_field.pyin
> galois_group(self, type, algorithm, names)
> *   4407*
> *   4408*         elif type=="pari":
> -> 4409             return GaloisGroup_v1(self.absolute_polynomial().
> galois_group(pari_group=True, algorithm=algorithm), self)
> *   4410*         elif type=="gap":
> *   4411*             return GaloisGroup_v1(self.absolute_polynomial().
> galois_group(pari_group=False, algorithm=algorithm), self)
> /Users/apple/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/rings/polynomial/polynomial_rational_flint.soin
> sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_rational_flint.Polynomial_rational_flint.galois_group
> (sage/rings/polynomial/polynomial_rational_flint.cpp:13140)()
> NotImplementedError: You must install the optional Kash package to use
> Kash from Sage.
> Sorry, computation of Galois groups of fields of degree bigger than 11 is
> not yet implemented.  Try installing the optional free (closed source) KASH
> package, which supports degrees up to 23, or use algorithm='magma' if you
> have magma.
> sage: optional_packages()[0]
> ['database_gap-4.6.4', 'gap_packages-4.6.4.p1', 'kash3-2008-07-31.p0']
> Hope you can show me a way out!
> With Sincere Regards,
> Kannappan.
> --
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