
> Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2014 13:18:07 -0800 (PST)
> From: Nils Bruin <>
> On Monday, January 6, 2014 12:46:19 PM UTC-8, Zimmermann Paul wrote:
> > What about getting rid of real literals? 
> >
> I think they exist mainly to let
> RealField(200)(1e-20)
> work in the first place: The parser needs to generate code to instantiate 
> the constant 1e-20 somewhere and that constant should remember its original 
> string representation to allow convenient creation of an element in 
> RealField(200).

but RealField(200)("1e-20") already does the job:

sage: RealField(200)("1e-20")

> Consider for instance
> sage: RealField(200)(a+(1e-800))
> 9.9999999999999994515327145420957165172950370278739244710772e-21
> (adding this constant doesn't change the 53-bit representation of a but it 
> does ensure the resulting number is not considered a RealLiteral any more).

this demonstrates another inconsistency:

sage: a=1e-20
sage: RealField(200)(a)
sage: RealField(200)(a+0)
sage: RealField(200)(1*a)

> So back to your question: I expect that real literals can't be removed 
> because it would make creating high precision constants too much of a pain.

I don't think so. We should educate the user:

* if she/he writes 1e-20, she/he should be aware that (like in other languages)
  1e-20 is not exactly representable in binary, thus will be approximated to
  the current precision

* if she/he wants to define a high precision constant, use "1e-20"


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