On 19 December 2013 09:04, maldun <dom...@gmx.net> wrote:
> The fact, that SR is not a field is interesting, the Kronecker delta example
> on the ticket shows it quite well. But the problem originates from the fact,
> that the Kronecker delta is not a continuous function. The ring of analytic
> functions is an Integral domain.

No it is not.  The product of max(0,x) and max(0,-x) is 0.


> Question: Should we define a subset of SR which is a field (at least in
> theory) to make some things cleaner? A quite practical approach
> would be the field of meromorphic functions, which covers the most daily
> problems in symbolic computation. (It would be also quite interesting in
> view of defining differential algebras)
> What I mean is that we should only allow expressions of meromorphic
> functions in the symbolic field, i.e. we would only allow variables,
> trigonometric functions and so on.
> SR should be then a superset where everything else should also be allowed.
> On Wednesday, December 18, 2013 8:18:56 PM UTC+1, Nils Bruin wrote:
>> On Wednesday, December 18, 2013 9:58:15 AM UTC-8, vdelecroix wrote:
>>> Users of polynomials should worry about the coefficient ring. What do
>>> someone should expect of
>>>     sage: (6*x^2 - 12).factor()
>>> The answers are different in ZZ[x], QQ[x] and RR[x]. For a symbolic
>>> polynomial there is no way to make it coherent...
>> It's worse: SR isn't even an exact ring (and it has zero divisors;
>> seehttp://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/11126#comment:2) , so a lot of polynomial
>> arithmetic you'd normally expect to work, doesn't in general.
>> So yes we can define polynomial rings with coefficients in SR:
>> sage: SR['x']
>> Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over Symbolic Ring
>> sage: (1+sin(2))*x-2.3
>> (sin(2) + 1)*x - 2.30000000000000
>> but any nontrivial computation in it will be problematic (I take this as
>> definition of nontrivial here).
>>> And I guess a long term goal of Sage would be to make it disappear.
>> It IS good for some things: integration strategies and some symbolic
>> differential equation solving methods do benefit from the loose approach
>> that SR takes with mathematical expressions.
>> I think a more attainable goal is to allow the user to avoid SR in as many
>> cases as possible.
> --
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