John Cremona <> writes:
> [...] and then you will not have the silly
> situation that (in 5.11)
> sage: G = Graph([]); G
> Graph on 0 vertices
> sage: G.is_connected()
> True
> sage: G.connected_components()
> []
> as to me it seems contradictory to have a graph claiming to be
> connected but having no connected components.

Why? A graph is connected iff every pair of vertices is connected, which
is to say that every connected component is the same as every other
connected component (i.e. a uniqueness property). The existence of a
connected component seems to me to be independent from the uniqueness of
a connected component, and so either 0 or 1 connected components should
be admitted.

Anyway, I'm not trying to argue that the empty graph should be
considered connected. Maybe it is more useful to define connectedness by
existence *and uniqueness* of connected components, after all. I like
the nLab wiki link that darij provided in the ticket description [1].
I'm especially tickled by the example, "False is not true" :)



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