On 8/6/13 7:07 AM, Daniel Krenn wrote:

I have the following:

   sage: RIF(1.332,1.334), RIF(1.332,1.334).str(style='brackets')
   (1.34?, '[1.3320000000000000 .. 1.3340000000000001]')

This is not wrong, since the questionmark means +/-1 on the previous
digit. But why is the resulting string not 1.33?, which would be more
"natural" to me? Is there a reason for doing so?

I think the default is to pick a 'center' point that is furthest from zero, all else being equal. This makes it clearer when an interval is all one sign. See the documentation here:


"When there are two
possible results of equal precision and with the same error width,
then we pick the one which is farther from zero. (For instance,
``RIF(0, 123)`` with two error digits could print as ``61.?62`` or
``62.?62``. We prefer the latter because it makes it clear that the
interval is known not to be negative.)"



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