On Jul 5, 2013 7:13 AM, "Simon King" <simon.k...@uni-jena.de> wrote:
> Hi Dima,
> On 2013-07-05, Dima Pasechnik <dimp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> In fact, I don't understand why Algebras has to be in the global
> >> I've never once found it useful to start an interactive session by
> >> instantiating a new category.
> > +1
> > (although full-time category theorists might disagree :))
> I think I am only part-time categorist.
> On the one hand, I too think that there is currently no need to insert
> categories into the global namespace. Categories do a lot of useful stuff
> in the background, but usually they do not show up in the foreground.
> On the other hand, this might actually change with Nicolas' upcoming
> functorial constructions patch. If Sage would be able to really do fancy
> constructions with categories, then it would certainly make sense to
> these constructions in an interactive session.
> On the third hand (on the one foot??), if one wants to do arithmetics *on*
> categories (rather than just arithmetics *using* categories), then one can
> still do something like "from sage.categories import *" without too much
> effort.

I like the idea of being able to do


and seeing a list of the available categories (or some reasonable subset

For the record, I like the term magmatic algebras. It is not
standard/common terminology and would certainly invite the user to look at
the documentation to figure out what it is.


> On the other foot, removing categories from the global namespace would
> probably break a lot of tests. How should this be organised? On the
> constructions ticket, which already is big enough? On a later ticket? On
> an earlier ticket?
> Best regards,
> Simon
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