I am trying to build a class which derives from Parent and QuotientRing_nc
at the same time. Here is a minimal example:

sage: from sage.structure.parent import Parent
sage: from sage.categories.all import Category, FiniteEnumeratedSets, 
sage: from sage.rings.quotient_ring import QuotientRing_nc
sage: from sage.structure.unique_representation import UniqueRepresentation
sage: class Y(Parent):
....:         def __init__(self):
....:                 from sage.rings.finite_rings.integer_mod_ring import 
....:                 V = Integers()**2
....:                 Parent.__init__(self, Integers(), gens=(V.gen(0), 
V.gen(1)),names=('a', 'b'))         
sage: class X(Y, QuotientRing_nc):
....:         def __init__(self):
....:                 Y.__init__(self)
sage: X()
TypeError: _assign_names() got an unexpected keyword argument 'ngens'

Is there a reason why I should not be allowed to inherit from both classes 
at the same time?
Or is this a bug? Then the method
should be modified such that it accepts the keyword 'ngens'.

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