The problem may be this:

sage: S=Rationals()
sage: R=GF(7)
sage: from sage.categories.pushout import *
sage: pushout(R,S)
Ring of integers modulo 1
sage: R_tower = construction_tower(R)
sage: S_tower = construction_tower(S)
sage: R_tower
[(None, Finite Field of size 7), (QuotientFunctor, Integer Ring)]
sage: S_tower
[(None, Rational Field), (FractionField, Integer Ring)]
sage: R_tower[1][0].rank
sage: S_tower[1][0].rank

These ranks mean that FractionField is applied before the
QuotientFunctor, which is obviously not such a great idea: After
taking the fraction field there are not many ideals left to quotient
out by:

sage: R_tower[1][0](S_tower[1][0](ZZ))
Ring of integers modulo 1

The other composition would arrive at a desirable pushout:

sage: S_tower[1][0](R_tower[1][0](ZZ))
Finite Field of size 7

Larger finite fields don't participate in this game:

sage: construction_tower(GF(7^2,'a'))
[(None, Finite Field in a of size 7^2)]

so there the code relies on the coercion that exists from ZZ to GF,
which somehow extends (partially) to QQ.

I would think this example illustrates that FractionField should have
a higher rank than QuotientFunctor. Doing that ends up with
sage: L.parent()
Full MatrixSpace of 2 by 2 dense matrices over Ring of integers modulo
sage: T.parent()
Full MatrixSpace of 2 by 2 dense matrices over Finite Field of size 7

so it didn't quite produce the right parent, although

sage: pushout(QQ,GF(7))
Finite Field of size 7

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