Le 13/03/2013 10:41, leif a écrit :
You may try to run some lines of the tests in an interactive Sage
session and see what happens, perhaps after first running the doctests
with --verbose (although output is currently not flushed properly).

I have seen strange things.

First, sometimes, I don't get a timeout: it ends (in less than five minutes), but some tests fail.

Second, what are the failure when it doesn't get stuck?

Here is one trace:
Exception raised:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/jpuydt/sage-5.7-x86_64-Linux/local/bin/ncadoctest.py", line 1231, in run_one_test
        self.run_one_example(test, example, filename, compileflags)
File "/home/jpuydt/sage-5.7-x86_64-Linux/local/bin/sagedoctest.py", line 38, in run_one_example OrigDocTestRunner.run_one_example(self, test, example, filename, compileflags) File "/home/jpuydt/sage-5.7-x86_64-Linux/local/bin/ncadoctest.py", line 1172, in run_one_example
        compileflags, 1) in test.globs
      File "<doctest __main__.example_2[18]>", line 1, in <module>
any( eval_v_cython(*v) == Integer(2) * Integer(22955664) for v in vec_list ) # 22955664 > 22953421 = len_bound #long time###line 219:_sage_ sage: any( eval_v_cython(*v) == 2 * 22955664 for v in vec_list ) # 22955664 > 22953421 = len_bound #long time
      File "<doctest __main__.example_2[18]>", line 1, in <genexpr>
any( eval_v_cython(*v) == Integer(2) * Integer(22955664) for v in vec_list ) # 22955664 > 22953421 = len_bound #long time###line 219:_sage_ sage: any( eval_v_cython(*v) == 2 * 22955664 for v in vec_list ) # 22955664 > 22953421 = len_bound #long time
    NameError: global name 'eval_v_cython' is not defined

and here is another:
Exception raised:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/jpuydt/sage-5.7-x86_64-Linux/local/bin/ncadoctest.py", line 1231, in run_one_test
        self.run_one_example(test, example, filename, compileflags)
File "/home/jpuydt/sage-5.7-x86_64-Linux/local/bin/sagedoctest.py", line 38, in run_one_example OrigDocTestRunner.run_one_example(self, test, example, filename, compileflags) File "/home/jpuydt/sage-5.7-x86_64-Linux/local/bin/ncadoctest.py", line 1172, in run_one_example
        compileflags, 1) in test.globs
      File "<doctest __main__.example_2[17]>", line 1, in <module>
eval_v_cython = cython_lambda( ", ".join( "int a{0}".format(i) for i in range(Integer(2)) ), " + ".join( "{coeff} * a{i} * a{j}".format(coeff = mat[i,j], i = i, j = j) for i in range(Integer(2)) for j in range(Integer(2)) ) ) #long time###line 218:_sage_ sage: eval_v_cython = cython_lambda( ", ".join( "int a{0}".format(i) for i in range(2) ), " + ".join( "{coeff} * a{i} * a{j}".format(coeff = mat[i,j], i = i, j = j) for i in range(2) for j in range(2) ) ) #long time File "/home/jpuydt/sage-5.7-x86_64-Linux/local/lib/python/site-packages/sage/misc/cython.py", line 661, in cython_lambda
File "/home/jpuydt/sage-5.7-x86_64-Linux/local/lib/python/site-packages/sage/server/support.py", line 473, in cython_import_all
File "/home/jpuydt/sage-5.7-x86_64-Linux/local/lib/python/site-packages/sage/server/support.py", line 450, in cython_import
File "/home/jpuydt/sage-5.7-x86_64-Linux/local/lib/python/site-packages/sage/misc/cython.py", line 496, in cython
        log = open('%s/log'%build_dir).read()
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/jpuydt/.sage/temp/newton/10029/spyx/_home_jpuydt__sage_temp_newton_10029_tmp_xXPiqf_spyx/log'

As far as I know, what happens in .sage/temp/newton/<pid> is that some functions get compiled on the fly, and the two traces seem to mean something goes wrong there. The fact that sometimes I get a timeout on the file could also be a case of that.

Does that make someone go "Oooooohhhh!" ?

In any case, as is, 2 GB are certainly not enough to run the (long)
doctests of that file.

That is a lot of memory. Can't those tests be modified to need less?

Snark on #sagemath

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