On Friday, March 1, 2013 7:52:12 AM UTC-5, Jan Groenewald wrote:
> This reproduces the error:
> sage: from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import sr_to_max             
> sage: sr_to_max(integral(e^(-abs(x))/cosh(x),x,-infinity,infinity))
> <ECL: ((MTIMES) ((%LOG) 2) 2)>
> sage: sr_to_max(integral(e^(-abs(x))/cosh(x),x,-infinity,infinity))
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
Jan, can you open a ticket for this?  I may have time to look into it this 
weekend.  It does seem quite odd; maybe there is something we are not 
parsing as output.

That said, the relevant Maxima command wouldn't be defint - I believe we 
just use "integrate(...,x,a,b)", though perhaps internally in Maxima that 
calls defint, I wouldn't be surprised.  But that could be our problem, too.

- kcrisman 

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