IMHO there shouldn't be a warning printed when you can compute the correct 
answer without the optional package. Every computation can be sped up with 
a table of pre-computed values. The documentation should, of course, 
mention that there is an optional spkg that can be used.

On Wednesday, February 20, 2013 10:52:24 AM UTC, Jean-Pierre Flori wrote:
> Is there any way to do this? I seem to remember seeing something like 
> is_package_installed in
> Is it completely forbidden to have such ideas?
> For #8335, we'd like to use the Cunningham table, but it's currently an 
> optional package, so if you try to use them, Sage will issue a warning 
> (once) and then fallback to other methods for factorization so the result 
> will be correct, but you'll get one failing doctest.
> Another solution is to merge #7240 so that the Cunningham table is 
> standard...
> Cheers,
> JP

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