As you may know, Sage prints lists of matrices in a smart way:

sage: m = random_matrix(GF(5),2)                                      
sage: [ m, m^2, m^3 ]  
[1 4]  [4 2]  [3 0]
[2 2], [1 2], [0 3]

But that currently only works for matrices with a hardcoded is_Matrix(). 
I'm proposing to add a method _repr_option(key) to all parents to be able 
to pass metadata about the output of _repr_(). There is also some 
precedent, we currently have is_atomic_repr() to do return metadata for 
another reason. I made a patch that combines those two use cases 
at Since it is a bit of a framework change 
I wanted to bring this up on sage-devel. Here is the docstring of the new 
method in sage.structure.parent.Parent:

    def _repr_option(self, key):
        Metadata about the :meth:`_repr_` output.

        - ``key`` -- string. A key for different metadata informations
          that can be inquired about.

        Valid ``key`` arguments are:
        - ``'ascii_art'``: The :meth:`_repr_` output is multi-line
          ascii art and each line must be printed starting at the same
          column, or the meaning is lost.

        - ``'element_ascii_art'``: same but for the output of the
          elements. Used in :mod:`sage.misc.displayhook`.

        - ``'element_is_atomic'``: the elements print atomically, that
          is, parenthesis are not required when *printing* out any of
          `x - y`, `x + y`, `x^y` and `x/y`.



            sage: ZZ._repr_option('ascii_art')
            sage: MatrixSpace(ZZ, 2)._repr_option('element_ascii_art')

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