> > 
> > Is this a bug or am I simply missing some parameter to resolve this 
> issue? 
> > 
> I don't think this is a bug. 
> It looks to me like G.automorphism_group() is returning an abstract 
> permutation group. For a lot of random graphs this is going to be the 
> trivial group "Permutation Group with generators [()]" (a random graph 
> is likely to have no symmetry). The natural (non-empty) domain for the 
> action of such a group is a singleton set and there is of course only 
> one orbit there. Notice that G.automorphism_group().domain() returns 
> {1}, it's the domain of a permutation group on {1, ... , n}. 
> I guess what you want is the automorphism group along with it's action 
> on the set of vertices of the graph. 
> One simple thing you can do is call: 
> sage: A = G.automorphism_group(orbits=True) 
> to get the abstract group back along with the set of orbits. Also, by 
> setting `translation=True` you can also get a dictionary back that 
> provides translation from vertices {0, 1, ..., n} to the domain set of 
> the permutation group (a subset of {1, ... , n+1}). 
> -- 

Hmm, that is very useful to me as well.  Thanks! 

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