I'm happy with E... It would be nice to also have it as UCF.E in case you 
overrode E already with something else in an interactive session though. 

On Sunday, November 25, 2012 6:49:51 PM UTC, Christian Stump wrote:
> Hi -- 
> we are almost ready getting the universal cyclotomic field, UCF (which 
> is the smallest subfield of the complex numbers containing all roots 
> of unity) into sage, see 
> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/8327. 
> In GAP, the point of entry is the function E, like in E(5) to get exp( 
> 2 \pi i / 5 ) . The question is: 
> Do people agree to use this letter as well in Sage ? 
> Alternatively, we could use e.g. UCF.E instead, but I'd somehow prefer 
> to do it completely analogously to GAP. On some machines, we currently 
> get a segfault in  sage/schemes/elliptic_curves/ell_number_field.py 
> which might be caused by the fact that people used there as well the 
> letter E to work with elliptic curves. 
> Cheers, Christian 

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