somehow belatedly, I created a ticket to document this weirdness:

On Tuesday, 29 November 2011 01:49:59 UTC+8, Nils Bruin wrote:
> My apologies for the last message. That didn't tell you anything you
> didn't already know. A little digging in the source got me to:
> which tries to define the variable *default-pathname-defaults* . On
> linux, it seems to be equal to a path to the current directory, which
> is the value one gets from (directory "") . [On one sage install on
> linux, I'm just getting #P"" from (pathname ""), which seems to work
> there. At least it's not NIL]
> Perhaps this variable is unset on cygwin? (meaning its initialization
> goes wrong somewhere).
> You can see its value by just typing *default-pathname-defaults* at
> the ECL prompt.
> If its value is inappropriate you might try setting it:
> (setf *default-pathname-defaults* #P"/tmp/")
> or something like that.
> [note that the source for cl_pathname is at line 753 of the same file]

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