Dima Pasechnik <dimp...@gmail.com> writes:
> If you caan ssh from these machines to boxen then it will be good enough.

In particular, you might do this on your buildbot machine:

$ sudo apt-get install autossh
$ ssh-keygen # if you haven't done this already
$ ssh-copy-id boxen.math.washington.edu
$ ssh boxen.math.washington.edu # to add boxen's key to known_hosts
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
boxen $ exit
$ autossh -f -M 0 -N -R <num>:0:22 boxen.math.washington.edu

where <num> is some port number to reserve on boxen. Then one can log
into your machine by logging into boxen and then from there doing `ssh
-p <num> user@0`.


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