Jeroen Demeyer <> writes:
> On 2012-03-16 14:01, R. Andrew Ohana wrote:
>> For the same reason you started releasing 5.0 prealphas while
>> finishing up 4.8. It makes sense to continue working on closing
>> various fixes + improvements/features, but you shouldn't be doing this
>> to code that is being prepped for release.
> Except this was me privately working on stuff in my own sandbox.  I
> provided the prealphas because there was no real reason to keep them
> private, but they were not official in any way.

OK, but at least in the case of betas and alphas, you encourage people
to base their patches on the betas and alphas. That is the key point
which makes them "public releases". If you instead tell people to base
their patches on the stable release, everything is fine and you can
still consider your betas, alphas, or pre-alphas totally "private" even
if you make them available on boxen.

Why do patches need to be based on the latest dev release?


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