William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> writes:
> On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 11:17 PM, Keshav Kini <keshav.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Jeroen Demeyer <jdeme...@cage.ugent.be> writes:
>>> On 2012-03-09 15:48, Keshav Kini wrote:
>>>> I'm probably missing something obvious, but why do you need a repository
>>>> in order to apply a patch to files? Doesn't `patch` work fine?
>>> We need the repository for exactly the same reason as we need a
>>> repository for devel/sage.  When you are *developing* something, you
>>> don't want to be restricted to using "patch".  If you are developing the
>>> Sage build process (i.e. what the root repo does), you may want to do
>>> that *before* building sage.
>> You compare the need for a root repository to the need for the
>> devel/sage repository, by which I guess you mean the current Sage
>> library repository, not my proposed unified repository.
>> But we do *not* run files directly from the devel/sage repository. They
> The following is an important SIDE REMARK, which is not really related
> to what you're discussing in this email, so I've changed the subject.
> We should.

I just want to say that using `setup.py develop` is *not* at odds with
what I'm arguing for. In fact, it's very much aligned with what I want,
which is for our development repositories to have more freedom in terms
of where we put our code and how it is organized, which will facilitate
eventual consolidation into a single repository. So yes, I would be
quite happy to use `setup.py develop` with the Sage library. We already
use it for sagenb where it works great.

> The only reason we don't is because when I set things up
> in 2004 (?) I think setuptools "python setup.py develop" either didn't
> exist, or I had never heard of it.   What *should* happen is that we
> use setuptools instead of distutils, and the Sage library would live
> 100% and only at SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage/sage.   Just to emphasize, the
> Cython modules would then be built in place.
> Making this change would (1) avoid an enormous amount of confusion
> when people type "foo??" and see the source location, which is not the
> path to the file they should edit, and (2) reduce the use of disk
> space by several hundred megabytes.

Great! I for one wholly approve of this idea.


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