On Thursday, March 8, 2012 4:49:12 PM UTC-8, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
> It turns out that here Apple is not doing anything wrong. 
> (after having a discussion here: 
> https://discussions.apple.com/message/17795537)
> It's improper use of BLAS by CVXOPT people that triggers errors.
> The C code in question violates BLAS convention that incx=0 in these 
> kinds of BLAS functions is illegal.
> Please see p.30, 1st paragraph of Sect. 2.5.3.
> http://www.netlib.org/blas/blast-forum/chapter2.pdf
> There is also a description of xAXPBY function (which is a slight 
> extension of xAXBY which you presume to be buggy) on p.47 which says  that 
> if incx (or incy) is set to 0 then an error flag must be raised.
> So this is a CVXOPT bug, as far as I can see, Apple BLAS is not guilty 
> here.
> So it seems that we can proceed without Atlas on OSX 10.7, after all...
> Oh well. 
Darn, I was looking forward to adding 6 hours to the Sage build time on my 
OS X 10.7 machines.

Any ideas on when there might be a cvxopt fix?


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