Dear Maria,

On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 8:02 PM, Maria Bras Amoros <> wrote:
> I contacted Jordi Guàrdia from UPC (Technical University of Catalonia) for
> the review. What kind of review do you need? Is it more a tecnical review or
> a linguistics review?

Maybe I should clarify why your document would need a review.  If your
document is to be part of the Sage standard documentation, i.e.
distributed as part of the documentation found here [1], then another
person who is fluent in Catalan and knows Sage needs to go over the
document to check on two things:

(1) the technical content, i.e. stuff related to Sage; and

(2) the linguistic content, i.e. stuff related to the Catalan language.

(3) Even after the above two steps, your document would need to be
converted to using Sphinx [3] for markup.

I appreciate the above would require a lot of time and effort.  So it
is generally OK to have documentation produced by the community be
placed under the section "Further resources" at [2].  In this way,
your document do not need to go through the above three requirements
and still be available from the Sage website.  In fact, a lot of
documentation produced by the community has been placed at [2].  For
now, you do not need to do anything.  Your document is already
available for anyone to download from the Sage website.

Having said that, if you still want your document to be part of the
standard documentation at [1], then the above three points would need
to be addressed.




Minh Van Nguyen

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