On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 1:06 AM, Keshav Kini <keshav.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Robert Bradshaw <rober...@math.washington.edu> writes:
>> On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 4:51 PM, Keshav Kini <keshav.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> writes:
>>>> It's difficult for me because they are patch in hg format, but I can't
>>>> export a patch out of git in hg format.  It's possible to import the
>>>> code in from the trac ticket, but then if I make changes I have to
>>>> export them as a git diff, then import them into another hg repo, then
>>>> export them again.    As far as I can tell -- no easy way to referee a
>>>> trac ticket right now using git.   I bet it would be possible for a
>>>> git wizard to setup some scripts to make this easy.    I think doing
>>>> so is an important first step toward moving Sage developers to git.
>>> I see that as a waste of time. We should create scripts to facilitate a
>>> new workflow, not the old one. The average Sage developer should not be
>>> encouraged to use git just yet, I think. That is because, as you have
>>> noticed, it is downright painful to use git to work on Sage right now.
>>> Basically the only advantage right now is the ease of collaboration,
>>> which Jason mentioned above.
>>> But the solution is not to create scripts that automate this painful
>>> process. What we need to do is set up an infrastructure to support a
>>> git-based workflow, not create scripts that dumb git down to support our
>>> current workflow. (This will be covered in the Workflow SEP.)
>> +1 (I do think we should have scripts and/or a sage command so the
>> average developer doesn't even have to know that git (or whatever else
>> we are settling on) is being used under the hood to submit new code
>> and review/extend submitted code. They should be clearly defined in
>> terms of git commands, so the semi-advanced user can use git directly
>> with little/no hassle.)
> Right, `your post`_ about that a little while ago is definitely
> informing my thoughts on all of this.
> .. _your post:
>   https://groups.google.com/d/msg/sage-notebook/P6M-_ajbXJQ/m4oG29xbi5QJ
>> As for issue tracking, I've heard a lot of complaints about the github
>> one (especially before they launched their new system) and my only
>> comment here is while it's nice to have issue tracking and source code
>> repositories synchronized, there's no need to do so as long as we can
>> link between the two (e.g. use standard naming conventions) Certainly
>> using trac as a transient source code repository is rather ugly.
> I don't propose to get rid of our Trac instance, though I could be
> persuaded otherwise - I don't really have a feel for what the various
> popular issue tracker software packages are and what features they have.
> I personally have a passing acquaintance with bugzilla (e.g. Mozilla),
> debbugs (e.g. Debian), JIRA (e.g. MusicBrainz), redmine (e.g. Quassel
> IRC), trac (e.g. Sage), Roundup (e.g. python), google code (e.g.
> cyanogenmod), github (e.g. sagenb), and bitbucket (e.g. evil-mode) issue
> trackers. Of these, it seems to me that redmine, trac, google code, and
> github are pretty lightweight; bugzilla, debbugs, and Roundup are also
> pretty lightweight but also have the advantage / disadvantage that they
> are strongly email-based (especially in the case of debbugs, where the
> UI even sort of suffers for that fact); and JIRA is more heavyweight and
> featureful, though it is also a paid, hosted service and not open
> source. But I haven't put much thought into which of these categories is
> best for Sage. Maybe someone else has?
> I do notice that David Roe's description for Review Days includes
> something like a feature request for better code review procedures, such
> as line comments. Github's tracker can do that without any further
> configuration, if we move to github, which is nice.

Yep. Note that code reviewing and issue tracking are separable tasks,
and URLs are, well, universal (as well as easy to copy/paste and even

> Trac might be able
> to, if we do some hacking on it to make it understand where our
> repositories and people's forks are - I haven't looked into this.
> Assuming we do stay with Trac, I'm still undecided about whether we
> should post github-user/branch names on tickets in a special field, or
> whether we should automatically associate ticket #n with branches called
> github-user/trac-n. I'm leaning towards the former, to allow people to
> write code without first worrying about the trac ticket number, and also
> reduce the burden on boxen of finding these branches periodically.

We do both :). If the field is empty, try to discover a "default"
location. I'm not worried about the load--it'll probably be light and
if need be we can parallelize the work (my desktop is "keeping up"
with all posted patches on trac with only 3 cores). More importantly,
developer-cpu-seconds are much more valuable than machine-cpu-seconds,
and I'll spend many of the latter to save any of the former :).

- Robert

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