AFAIK, currently the function field object can not compute its genus
(see below). I'm thinking about adding this feature in following few
days. Now, there are two different approaches I can take, and I would
like to know which one is more desirable for Sage community:

1. Sage can use singular to compute the genus, so we can write
(essentially) a wrapper which compute the genus and make it a member
of the function field class.

2. To implement the algorithm (for example the one in [1]) from

Please, tell me which one is the more desirable approach. If anybody
has any comment or has already the implementation please bring it up
in the discussion.

[1] Sendra, J. R. and Winkler, F. and Pérez-Díaz, S., Rational
Algebraic Curves - A Computer Algebra Approach, Springer, 2007.

sage: kx.<x> = FunctionField(QQ)
sage: kxY.<Y> = PolynomialRing(kx, 'Y')
sage: kxy.<y> = kx.extension(Y^2 - x^5 -1)
sage: kxy
Function field in y defined by Y^2 - x^5 - 1
sage: kxy.genus()
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call

/home/syd/Documents/RecherchePhD/Codes/sage/GrbBasis/<ipython console>
in <module>()

structure/ in sage.structure.parent.Parent.__getattr__ (sage/

structure/ in sage.structure.parent.getattr_from_other_class

AttributeError: 'FunctionField_polymod_with_category' object has no
attribute 'genus'

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