Wow, this opened up a can of worms I hadn't expected, but reading your
comments, I really agree.

> When I was working on similar issues for printing real numbers (i.e.,
> whether to truncate digits, etc.), Carl Witty brought up a very good
> point.  Printing representation options should be global session-wide
> defaults that apply to all output in a session, rather than options
> stored with the objects.  For example, it seems better to do something like:
> sage.print_options['finite field repr']='int'
> or
> sage.rings.finite_rings.finite_field_base.printing_style='int'

Yes! That would be a much better way of doing it. And then thinking it
through to make sure that it could work in all the places we would
like such a thing.

> You need to be careful that the generator, which currently is only
> required to have irreducible characteristic polynomial over the base
> field, is actually a multiplicative generator for the field:
> sage: R.<x> = ZZ[]
> sage: k.<a> = GF(49,modulus=x^2+5*x+2)
> sage: a.multiplicative_order()
> 24
> I certainly like "<generator>^<exponent>" more, but we can't use the
> same name here as for the generator above.  Maybe we should have
> mult_gen_name as an option to pass to GF, with a sensible default?

I didn't realise that. That probably saved me some hours in debugging
sometime in the future ;-) Is it completely insane to change the
default field constructor to always return a multiplicative generator
instead of the above (polynomial?) generator? The above concept
certainly decreases the usefulness of printing generator^exponent. I
think it would be quite unintuitive if the user saw something like
> sage: R.<x> = ZZ[]
> sage: k.<a> = GF(49,modulus=x^2+5*x+2)
> sage: a
> beta^10
assuming that "beta" was the sensible default mult_gen_name. On could
of course also output
> sage: a
> (5*a+3)^10
seeing as 5a+3 is a multiplicative generator of k, but I'm not sure
we're really helping things here...

> In fact, I think it makes sense to have printing objects inherit from
> each other, so that we don't have to continually write code like
> ' + '.join(["%s * x^i"%(c.list()[i] for i in range(len(c.list()))])
> and make sure to debug all the corner cases.

Yes! Alternatively/Relatedly, use a sort of interface for printing
objects that print utility functions could use. In the above example,
useful features to ask for is when the exponent is 0 or 1, and whether
the coefficient needs parentheses around it. There are, as you point
out, _many_ places in the sage source code that implements printing
polynomial-like objects, and they all have special handling of various
cases. Would be nice to unify.


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