2011/11/8 Francois Bissey <francois.bis...@canterbury.ac.nz>:

> Hi Paulo,
> with gmp5 I had to do the following for sage to even compile in
> sage/rings/integer.so precisely:
> sed -i "s:__GMP_BITS_PER_MP_LIMB:GMP_LIMB_BITS:g" sage/rings/integer.pyx

  Yes, I have been using a similar approach (rediffing patch from time to time)
for quite some time.

> Since that's a deprecation problem that will reach mpir eventually, we
> should
> open a ticket on trac even it is not your present problem.
> While I don't have a crash or any warnings I am wondering if it is
> related to http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/11986
> Since it seems that some stuff in pylong is not working as expected.
> Is it working on x86 but not on x86_64?

  Cut&paste from the trac tests, I see:

]$ sage
| Sage Version 4.7.2, Release Date: 2011-10-29                       |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |
sage: sage: hash(R(-1))
sage: n = -920390823904823094890238490238484; n.__hash__()
sage: hash(n)
sage: hash(n) == hash(int(n))
sage:  n=2^63+2^13
sage: n
sage: hash(n)
sage: int(n)
sage: hash(int(n))

> Francois


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