
Just to show you what speed differences we are talking about, consider
a situation were we see the overhead in its purest form:

sage: class Bar(object):
....:     def pure_method(self):
....:         return 1
....:     @property
....:     def test_property(self):
....:         return 2
....:     @lazy_attribute
....:     def test_lazy(self):
....:         return 3
....:     @cached_method
....:     def test_cache(self):
....:         return 4
....:     def __init__(self):
....:         self.test_attrib = 5
sage: b = Bar()
sage: b.pure_method()
sage: b.test_property
sage: b.test_lazy
sage: b.test_cache()
sage: b.test_attrib
sage: %timeit b.test_property
625 loops, best of 3: 967 ns per loop
sage: %timeit b.pure_method()
625 loops, best of 3: 934 ns per loop
sage: %timeit b.test_cache()
625 loops, best of 3: 291 ns per loop
sage: %timeit b.test_lazy
625 loops, best of 3: 192 ns per loop
sage: %timeit b.test_attrib
625 loops, best of 3: 174 ns per loop

Note that I am using #11115. Without #11115, b.test_cache() would take
1.7 µs.

Since super_categories and all_super_categories are called really
often, I think they should be as fast as possible. But on the other
hand, in some cases they are not called at all. Hence, it would be a
bad idea to create a *non-lazy* attribute during initialisation of a
category. So, for sure my suggestion at #11943 is good for

The question on "being pythonic" has been answered affirmatively.

The only remaining questions are: Should we renounce the speed-up for
introspection's sake? Renounce introspection for speed's sake? Or is
it possible to modify the preparser (or some other tool) so that we
both have the speed-up and make `C.super_categories?` show the source
of the *method/property/...* (not the source code of the return


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