I'm trying to compute some eigenspaces for matrices over number
fields, mostly because I can, in order to build some doctests.
Eigenspace routine uses the root_field() method on an irreducible
factor of a characteristic polynomial to create a field containing
eigenvalues.  Then the routine tries to grab the generator of that
field, which seems to be non-existent.

Here's as far as I've gone to isolate the problem.  This looks to me
like the sequence of commands and constructions incurred by the
eigenspace routine and the error message is similar, if not
identical.  The polynomial is just a random one that I've captured for
reproducible input.

sage: F.<y> = NumberField(x^3+x+1)
sage: z = polygen(F, 'z')
sage: p = (16/3*y + 3/31)*z^2 + (-y^2 + 31)*z - 1/2*y^2 - 1
sage: p.is_irreducible()
sage: M = NumberField(p, 'w')
sage: M
Number Field in w with defining polynomial
(16/3*y + 3/31)*z^2 + (-y^2 + 31)*z - 1/2*y^2 - 1
over its base field
sage: M.gen(0)

<BOOM, lots of PARI error messages>

A bug?  Am I doing something wrong?  If not, is there a workaround?


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