
On Feb 6, 6:29 am, David Joyner <wdjoy...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > I was also curious what portions of the Tachyon APIs are
> > exposed in SAGE now, and whether it might be time to
> See http://www.sagemath.org/doc/reference/sage/plot/plot3d/tachyon.html

Thanks.  Can someone change the email address listed for me
the old one (jo...@megapixel.com) to the current one

> > update SAGE to be able to take advantage of various new
> > Tachyon features such as ambient occlusion lighting and
> > other improvements that may not be exposed in the
> > current versions SAGE.
> This would be great. One reason when the Sage documentation is
> vague (see for example 
> texfunchttp://www.sagemath.org/doc/reference/sage/plot/plot3d/tachyon.html#s...)
> is that the tachyon documentation is incomplete.
> More examples would be very useful.

I'm working on that currently.  I will try and prepare a more
group of example scene files and supporting text in the
for the next release.

> It would be cool to be able to map and image (eg, a file
> image of a Sage logo) onto an object (eg, a sphere)
> and put that over a mirrored plane. I remember trying to do that
> some time ago and getting stuck. Is that implemented?

Yes, that's pretty easy to do.  Have a look at lavablobs.dat
the tachyon/scenes directory for an old example of putting
image on a sphere in the Tachyon ASCII scene file
Presumably SAGE can emit the necessary texturing parameters
do this as well.

> I would also like it to be easier to create animations
> and other surfaces, such as hyperbolic paraboloids, in
> tachyon. I know tachyon can be used as a viewer for
> hyperbolic paraboloids, eg
> sage: x,y,z = var("x,y,z")
> sage: p = implicit_plot3d(x^2-y^2-z,(x,-2,2),(y,-2,2),(z,-2,2),
> plot_points = 75)
> sage: p.show(viewer="tachyon")
> but can one add, for example shading and textures, to this
> as a tachyon object?

It is definitely possible to shade and texture any geometry
you provide to Tachyon.  I'm not familiar enough with SAGE to
what parts of the Tachyon API are exposed or not, but I'll
looking at the docs and see what I learn.

> > I would also be happy to have a look at your existing
> > Tachyon code and see if I notice anything that might be added
> > or improved if you can tell me where to look for it.
> Online, it is 
> here:http://hg.sagemath.org/sage-main/file/f24ce048fa66/sage/plot/plot3d/t...
> In the Sage root directory, it is in devel/sage/sage/plot/plot3d/tachyon.py
> Hopefully Tom Boothby and  Marshall Hampton will weigh in as well
> with suggestions.

Thanks, I will start looking at the Python code there and see what I
can learn.

I am happy to provide interested parties with a copy of the bleeding
version of the code if people want to give it a


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