Hi Volker,

> I agree that I need to set the attribute Element not element_class in my 
> path. I'll fix it  after the dust in #10496 has settled.
> I'm still confused about _element_class(). If you need to compute the 
> correct value of Element, then just do that in the constructor. So if 
> _element_class() is only called in the constructor then I'm perfectly happy 
> with that. But none of the derived classes of FGP_Module actually does that. 
> And before I rewrote things, it was full of "return 
> self.element_class()(V,W,check)" whenever an element was to be constructed. 
> So my understanding is that parents should:
> * directly define myparent.Element if its always the same class
> * define myparent.Element in myparent.__init__() if it depends on the 
> parent.
> Is that correct?

Just to make it clear:

element_class is obtained by sub-classing Element adding all the class
provided by the category system at the top of the mro. In principle, you
should not touch it unless you want to reuse a already computed element class
from a different parent in the same category.

you can define myparent.Element in any way that suits you including
   1 - as a class attribute:
       class myParent(...):
           class Element(...):
       class myParent(...):
           Element = SomeClass

   2 - as a lazy attribute
       class myParent(...):
           def Element(self, ...):
                class Toto(...)
                return Toto

   3 - as a standard attribute:
       class myParent(...):
          def __init__(self, ...):
              self.Element = ...
              Parent.__init__(self, ...)

But in any way (and in particular for 3-) you have to define it *before*
calling the initialization of category in Parent.__init__.

Hope this helps,



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