Dear kcrisman,
While reviewing #7981, I discoverd something a little interesting.
sage: animate([plot(sin(x + float(k)), (0, 2*pi), ymin=-5, ymax=5)
... for k in srange(0,2*pi,0.3)]).show() # optional
You'd think this would be optional. Nope - it creates a file in
I copy/paste this pretty example of animate in a xterm (in ubuntu)
The viewer by default is "eyes of Gnome" and only display the first image.
But when I can open this file by the mouse right-buttom I have 4 choices :
Gimp, F-spot, thunderbird and firefox.
Only the firefox choice open an animate film.
Is there an other way to get the animate (from Sage in an xterm)
eyes of gnome is pretty for static graph in 2D.
jmol is fine for 3D graphics.
is there a similar method for animate (without the heavy firefox) ?
What must I look ? this animate seems very right !
So my question is whether this is a bug or not.
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