On Mon, 09 Aug 2010 at 07:07AM -0700, Jason Grout wrote:
> On 8/3/10 7:52 AM, Dan Drake wrote:
> >Yes. I decided that, since people very rarely update their TeX
> >installations, having SageTeX in TeXLive wasn't a good idea. Right now
> >on sage-support I'm helping someone with a very mysterious problem that
> >is probably caused by mismatched sagetex.py/sagetex.sty files.
> This puts a pretty big barrier up for people that want to use
> sagetex. I thought SageTeX was stable enough that it wouldn't be a
> problem. However, wouldn't it be easier to just have a warning
> message that versions are incompatible when you run sage on the
> sagetex .sage file? Then people could just update their sagetex
> package when they need to.

There is now a version-mismatch detection mechanism in SageTeX (use a
current version, and look at the top of the generated .sage file) but
the last version in TeXLive didn't have that mechanism. I asked the
TeXLive people to remove SageTeX before I figured out the
version-mismatch stuff, and I'm not sure about asking them to put
SageTeX back in.


---  Dan Drake
-----  http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake

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