On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 1:38 PM, cousteau <cousteaulecommand...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm studying engineering, and I'm used to some programs such as
> Matlab, Maple, etc. When I knew about SAGE I found it very powerful,
> simple and well structured, but I quickly found out that it wouldn't
> be very useful in engineering, which is more oriented to numerical
> analysis and simple math operations than to abstract algebra. Although
> I could just use Octave for this, I'd like to be able to use SAGE for
> some engineering-oriented tasks. Here are some proposed features:
> Since SAGE is oriented to mathematics, all numbers are considered
> Integer unless otherwise specified (an integer is converted using
> Integer() to SAGE's inner type). This isn't practical for engineers,
> who normally use real numbers.
> Solution: There should be a variable that caused all numbers to be
> converted to RealNumber by default instead of Integer, even if an
> integer was entered.

You can make this happen as follows:

sage: RealNumber=float; Integer=float
sage: 2 + 3
sage: 4/7

Note that this will screw many things up big-time, e.g., list indexing
is broken:

sage: v = [1,2,3]
sage: v[2]
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)

/Users/was/build/sage-4.5.1/<ipython console> in <module>()

TypeError: list indices must be integers, not float

> 2. UNITS
> It would be nice to make SAGE capable of handling units and do unit
> conversion.
> Solution: There are already some Python modules that allow the "1 m"
> syntax for a value with units. For some more complex units, I'd use a
> syntax like "9.8 'kg*m/s^2' " (a literal number followed by a string),
> or "9.8 [kg*m/s^2]" (a literal number followed by the units between
> brackets).

Sage already has extensive support for units.

sage: kg = units.mass.kilogram; m = units.length.meter; s = units.time.second
sage: a = (9.8 * kg * m / s^2); a
sage: a.convert(units.mass.gram * m / s^2)

> I didn't find it easy to plot a Bode diagram of a function. The plot()
> function doesn't appear to have a "logarithmic" option, and it doesn't
> look easy to put 2 parallel plots on the same image, one on the upper
> half and another on the lower half.
> Solution: have a bode() function that does all the work (along with
> nyquist() and maybe root_locus()). Extending the options on the plot()
> function would also be nice (at least, add logarithmic_x and
> logarithmic_y options).

Parallel plots?   Do you mean like this:

sage: graphics_array([plot(sin(x), 0, 3), plot(cos(x),0,3)],2,1)

> SAGE lacks an easy way to enter matrices. The easiest one is to do
> something like "matrix([[1,2],[3,4]])", but that's uncomfortable,
> specially for people who are used to Matlab's (or Octave's) "[1 2; 3
> 4]".
> Solution: My proposed syntax is "[[1,2],[3,4]]m", this is, a literal
> list followed by an "m", as an alias to "matrix([[1,2],[3,4]])". Same
> for "v" (vectors), "c" (complex numbers), maybe "q" (quaternions),
> "p" (polynomials)...

I think this is pretty easy:

sage: matrix(2, [1,2,  3,4])
[1 2]
[3 4]

I don't like your suggestion to introduce something that isn't valid
Python to enter matrices.

> I had written a long paragraph about how easy is to get slices of
> matrices on Matlab/Octave and how good it would be to implement
> something similar on SAGE with some examples, just to realize that it
> was already implemented. :(
> (some examples: mat[3], mat[1,2], mat[0:3], mat[[3,2,1,0]], mat[:,
> 0]...)

Moreover, if you use numpy arrays you get extremely powerful and
efficient slicing into n-dimensional arrays.  This is very useful,
e.g., when dealing with 3d scientific data.

> If I want to get the transposed of a matrix, I have to write
> "mat.transpose()", while on Matlab it's as easy as "mat' ". Same for
> conjugating complex numbers or transposing+conjugating complex
> matrices.
> Solution: The solutions are to have a .T (or .H, .C...) attribute, or
> to have a custom operator that conjugates and transposes, such as
> "*mat" or "+mat" (the latter might be easier to implement since
> there's already an unary "+" operator in Python that doesn't do
> anything useful).

Why don't you do this:

sage: T = lambda x: x.transpose()
sage: A = matrix(3, [1,2,  3,4, 5,6]); A
[1 2]
[3 4]
[5 6]
sage: T(A)
[1 3 5]
[2 4 6]

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William Stein
Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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