(old phone leads to top-post)

re matplotlib/html5, is the speed affected by number of function sample points? 
That seems likely, and something PNGs would not be. So you might need to tune 
function sampling (or perhaps post-process and remove visually redundant 

Of course, "adequate" sampling depends on the zoom...

Dag Sverre Seljebotn
-----Original Message-----
From: William Stein <wst...@gmail.com>
Date: Wednesday, Jul 14, 2010 1:57 am
Subject: Re: [sage-devel] Re: IDE's; science/engineering
To: sage-devel@googlegroups.com,        sage-notebook 
<sage-noteb...@googlegroups.com>,         Dag Sverre Seljebotn 

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 1:42 AM, Maurizio <maurizio.gran...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I just spend a couple of words about IDEs. I've personally spent a
>> decent amount of time on Spyder and Eric, and my impressions are:
>> - Eric is very well suited for general software development, it is not
>> completely polished, and it lacks (at least explicitly, I didn't get
>> those) useful features for scientific computing (which I'll later
>> mention)
>> - Spyder is theoretically exactly what I was looking for: it is a
>> pythonized version of the Matlab GUI, which I felt very comfortable to
>> use; nonetheless, the problems are there:
>> 1) I find it very slow (even if I may have problems with matplotblib,
>> my workstation is quad-core and generally fast), certainly slower than
>> Eric (I think both are written in Python)
>> 2) window management is awful: if you undock an internal subwindow,
>> you are forced to not move it again within the area of the main Spyder
>> window, otherwise it immediately redocks it
>> 3) integrated plot management looks pretty, but (it's entirely not
>> Spyder's fault) matplotlib just outputs pictures, so plot navigation
>> is still orders of magnitude less evolved than Matlab's (I know it may
>> sound silly, but is that so difficult to do something better??)
>> on the pros side I count:
>> 1) both internal and external console: the former one is useful to do
>> experiments within the script you are editing, the latter is better to
>> have a clean environment
>> 2) variables management and browsing
>> 3) enhanced editing (code completion, syntax highlighting, classes
>> identification and browsing)
>Very interesting.
>1. How does the speed of the Sage notebook running locally on your
>computer compare to Spyder locally on your computer?
>2. Are the plotting issues you mention the result of Spyder embedding
>static png images (like the sage notebook does) or something more
>subtle.  The sage notebook might switch to HTML5 canvas rendering
>soon....  I say might, because after having tried it a bunch, I'm
>seriously concerned that HTML5 canvas matplotlib is slow --
>surprisingly, maybe much slower than using png's and image maps, which
>we should have at least enabled long ago.
>3. I have talked with people about making a Matlab-clone-ish version
>of the Sage notebook. This would be web-based, but instead of feeling
>Mathematica-like, it would feel much more Matlab-like.    Thoughts?
>> I don't know what about outside Europe, but I find so strange that
>> SAGE is unknown in scientific community, I find it very useful (from
>> an engineering point of view), and I personally think that may be a
>> perfect solution to be introduced inside universities at first (thanks
>> to the wonderful internet-based notebook system).
>I was also very surprised.  But it is simply a fact I observed.  Well, it 
>so much that Sage is *unknown* -- many people knew about it.  What I
>noticed at Euroscipy is that very few of the people there used Sage.
>Not a single speaker
>(except me) said they used Sage, and there were nearly about speakers 
>lightning talks).
>> The problem I see now regarding scientific computing, is the not so
>> seamless integration of numpy-scipy: do you think SAGE may improve
>> numpy arrays management with cleaner syntax than regular python? I
>> know you are usually against introducing syntax that is unacceptable
>> in standard python, but I think that allowing users to avoid writing
>> "np.array()" to do any kind of vector manipulation would be highly
>> appreciated!
>Yes, this is definitely a Sage goal.   I talked a lot about this goal
>with Dag last weekend (he's one of the lead Cython developers).
>> I strongly support SAGE for science!! :)
>> By the way (not completely off-topic) a colleague of mine is having
>> some troubles in working with scipy.optimize within SAGE, but I have
>> no details right now... I should better check!
>Yep, report it.
>> My 2 cents
>> Thanks
>> Maurizio
>> On 11 Lug, 20:41, Ondrej Certik <ond...@certik.cz> wrote:
>>> On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 3:20 AM, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > Hi,
>>> > 1. IDE's
>>> > There are a number of IDEs that can be used for Python development:
>>> >   * Spyder (free, cross platform) --http://code.google.com/p/spyderlib/
>>> >   * Eric (free, cross platform) --http://eric-ide.python-projects.org/
>>> >   * PyDev + Eclipse or Aptana (free, cross platform) --http://pydev.org/
>>> >   * Wing IDE (non free, but has a 30-day trial) --http://www.wingware.com/
>>> >   * XCode (free, closed, OS X only)
>>> > I'm at EuroScipy and many of the scientists and engineers giving talks
>>> > mention some of these IDE's (especially Spyder).  It would be of
>>> > interest to make a page athttp://wiki.sagemath.orgabout each of the
>>> > above IDE's in the context of Sage.  Which can be used with Sage?
>>> > How?  Do they work on anything but Linux, etc.  Any volunteers?   This
>>> > could be a good student project (so possibly some funding for
>>> > something at UW).
>>> > 2. Sage at EuroScipy:
>>> > Another thing -- though most talks mention Cython, not one single talk
>>> > given about actual engineers/scientists doing work even mentioned Sage
>>> > -- and there were over 30 talks.  Perhaps there is no penetration at
>>> > all of Sage into scientific computing, at least in Europe.  Perhaps
>>> > this will change in the next few years, given that NSF looks highly
>>> > likely to fund this NSF granthttp://wstein.org/grants/compmath09/
>>> > Sage was only mentioned in the first keynote by Langtangen, in which
>>> > he explained that installing Python for his students is very hard.
>>> > His personal solution -- force the students to install Ubuntu, either
>>> > natively or in a Virtual Machine.  Full stop.
>>> >http://picasaweb.google.com/wstein/20100710EuroscipyDay1#549240022431...
>>> > He made some (funny) jokes about being a dictator.
>>> > I personally disagree with his suggested "solution".   Maple, Matlab,
>>> > Mathematica do better, and so can we.
>>> Yeah, definitely. I am now working at the Lawrence Livermore National
>>> Lab during the summer and I don't have a root access to my computer,
>>> and it is not running Ubuntu. So his solution would be a complete
>>> failure for me.
>>> I am running our latest git femhub:http://femhub.org/and that
>>> creates me a nice environment, and I use "femhub --shell", which is
>>> like "sage -sh", except that the prompt looks better:
>>> FEMhub: ond...@raven:~/repos/hermes1d(master)$
>>> Here are the packages that are in femhub:
>>> http://femhub.org/codes.php
>>> At least for me, it's now doing exactly what I need.
>>> Another problem is with gui ---- I couldn't get any working for
>>> matplotlib. So I would like to get the html5 canvas working for
>>> matplotlib.
>>> Also I would like to have some easy way to create guis, it should run
>>> in the browser. Using extjs:http://www.sencha.com/products/js/, but
>>> I'd like to somehow write it in Python, so that I don't have to mess
>>> up with javascript.
>>> Ondrej
>> --
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>William Stein
>Professor of Mathematics
>University of Washington

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