On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 7:32 PM, Robert Bradshaw
<rober...@math.washington.edu> wrote:
> On Jun 21, 2010, at 8:12 AM, Jason Grout wrote:
>> Some people have just released a preliminary version of an html5 canvas
>> matplotlib backend.  What this means is cool interactive 2d graphics for
>> Sage.  If anyone wants to look at it and see how it works, the code is up
>> here:
>> http://code.google.com/p/mplh5canvas/
> Very cool. Seems to be based on callbacks, which should be natural for those
> used to using twisted.

Let's include this in Sage soon.  I just tried it out for fun on my laptop:

  (1) Grab and extract the tarball from here:
     then install it with "sage -python setup.py install"

  (2) Install netifaces:
     sage -sh
     easy_install netifaces

  (3) In the Sage notebook, or command line, paste something like this:

import matplotlib
from pylab import *
import time

"""Simple static plot, mostly for testing zooming...

theta = arange(0,8*pi,0.1)

for dt in arange(0,2*pi,pi/2.0):

     x = a*cos( theta+dt )*exp(b*theta)
     y = a*sin( theta+dt )*exp(b*theta)

     dt = dt+pi/4.0

     x2 = a*cos( theta+dt )*exp(b*theta)
     y2 = a*sin( theta+dt )*exp(b*theta)

     xf = concatenate( (x,x2[::-1]) )
     yf = concatenate( (y,y2[::-1]) )



Basically, you can put nearly any example from the matplotlib website
before show (and after clf()) and it will "just work".

What happens above is that a new server is started and the plot
displayed in it.  Figuring out how to use our existing twisted server
for interaction could be a nontrivial but very import challenge.

This is now trac 9471:


 -- William

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