On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 1:29 PM, Dr. David Kirkby
<david.kir...@onetel.net> wrote:
> On 06/19/10 07:49 PM, William Stein wrote:
>> On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 6:00 PM, Dr. David Kirkby
>> <david.kir...@onetel.net>  wrote:
>>> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/8049
>>> was marked as a blocker by William, then marked as fixed. But there is
>>> nothing there to indicate how it was fixed. Was the fix to manually copy
>>> the
>>> libgfortran library every time a binary distribution of Sage is made? I
>>> assumed this would have been added to the sage-bdist script, but there is
>>> nothing there to do it.
>> I use this script to build all the binaries I build:
>>    http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/wstein/bin/botdist
>> You can re-open 8049 if you want to come up with some better fix,
>> which works for everybody who might build binaries.  It's complicated
>> though, since some people might not want to copy libgfortran.so over.
>> William
> I'll think about that one.
> I have a few ideas, but all of them take a bit of time to do.
> 1) The following will be more suitable for those that do not have gfortran
> in /usr/bin.
> drkir...@hawk:~$ dirname `command -v gfortran`  | sed
> 's/bin/lib\/libgfortran.so/'
> /usr/local/gcc-4.4.4/lib/libgfortran.so
> Though that too would need changing for 64-bit Solaris on SPARC, and yet
> again for 64-bit Solaris on x64.
> 2) It seems to me that sage-bdist needs to be modified to handle 3 different
> requirements.
> 1) Copies no libraries as now.
> 2) Copies libfortran.so
> 3) Copies libfortran.so and the other gcc libraries (libgcc_s.so,
> libstdc++.so etc).

I agree.

> It seems unfortunate if your own private script is the only one able to
> create binaries that are very useful.

Yes, definitely.   People should feel free to take it and modify it of
course.  But point taken!

> How would something like the following seem?
> $ ./sage -bdist 4.4.2
> (no gcc libraries copies, so unchanged behavior)
> $ ./sage -bdist 4.4.2  fortran
> (copies gfortran library )
> $ ./sage -bidst 4.4.2 all
> (copies all gcc related libraries)

That seems reasonable.

> The other thing that would be useful is the ability to change the
> compression format. There are very significant savings in using p7zip format
> on Solaris - dropping the binaries from around 500 MB to around 300 MB.
> I guess none of this is high on my priority list - I'd like to see the port
> to OpenSolaris done first! You never know, it *might* beat the Cygwin port,
> though that seems unlikely.
> At least you have managed to build Sage on Cygwin - I've not managed to do
> it at all on OpenSolaris. All the easy "SAGE64" issues are solved - now only
> the more difficult problems remain:)
> About 90 of the 98 standard packages are installing, but that still leaves
> about 7 non-trivial ones to solve! See
> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/9026
> (singular, pynac, libfplll, R, the Sage library and ECL being some of them.)

Yep.  And we'll see how long until I port Sage to the iPad.  That's
*really* challenging, e.g., nobody has ever built Fortran on there, (I
doubt I will either)...


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