On Jun 17, 12:51 pm, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In Sage, the behavior of sqrt(2) versus sqrt(4) is considered very reasonable
> to most users.  And it does exactly what you claim is "rather bad form".
> sage: sqrt(2)
> sqrt(2)
> sage: sqrt(4)
> 2
> sage: type(sqrt(2))
> <type 'sage.symbolic.expression.Expression'>
> sage: type(sqrt(4))
> <type 'sage.rings.integer.Integer'>

That clears things up. Thank you. I'm disappointed. This looks like
it's rather deeply ingrained in the system. It's not just a
convenience top-level sqrt that chooses output types, the "sqrt"
method on integers does the same:

sage: 3.sqrt().parent()
Symbolic Ring
sage: 4.sqrt().parent()
Integer Ring

but interestingly, not always:

sage: R.<y>=QQ[]
sage: sqrt(y)
sage: y.sqrt()
AttributeError: 'Polynomial_rational_dense' object has no attribute

which can lead to rather amusing (and wrong) results:

sage: R1=QQ['y']
sage: R2=R1['y']
sage: R1.0*R2.0
sage: sqrt(R1.0*R2.0)

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