On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 4:28 PM, Burcin Erocal <bur...@erocal.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm in Kaiserslautern, at a workshop on connecting mathematical
> software for polyhedral geometry with software packages for Gröbner
> basis (polymake, gfan, singular).
> I tried to code a small example demonstrating how to call Sage from
> other C programs. I have a Cython module with the following:
> import sage.all
> from sage.rings.arith import factor
> cdef public do_something_in_sage(int** res, int n):
>    print "do_something_in_sage called, input:",n
>    t = factor(n)
>    print t
> Now I want to link/load this as a C library. It seems that initializing
> Python with
> Py_Initialize();
> PySys_SetArgv(1, argv);
> then importing the module with
> PyObject* sage_module = PyImport_ImportModule("sage_link");
> doesn't quite work. Python decides to include the directory
> $SAGE_LOCAL/lib64/python2.6/lib-dynload/ instead of
> $SAGE_LOCAL/lib/python2.6/lib-dynload/ (Note lib64 vs. lib). If I add
> the latter to sys.path manually, things work as expected.
> Does anyone know where this lib64/lib problem comes from?
> Is it possible to avoid having to import the Cython module? Or to make
> the necessary blurb to call cython functions less scary?
> You can find the latest version of my attempts here:
> http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/burcin/sage_link/

I never tried Sage, but I routinely use Python (numpy, scipy, ...)
from inside our C++ solvers, here is what I do in the main.cpp:

  PySys_SetArgv(argc, argv);
  if (import_hermes2d___hermes2d())
      throw std::runtime_error("hermes2d failed to import.");

where the import_hermes2d___hermes2d was automatically generated by
Cython from my hermes2d/_hermes2d.pyx file. Here is the whole file:


copying some relevant parts:

import sys
import traceback

global_namespace = {"verbose": False}

cdef api void cmd(char *text):
    n = run_cmd(text, global_namespace)

cdef api void set_verbose_cmd(int verbose):
    global_namespace["verbose"] = verbose

cdef api object run_cmd(char *text, object namespace):
        verbose = namespace.get("verbose")
        if verbose:
            print "got a text:", text
        if verbose:
            print "evaluting in the namespace:"
            print namespace
        code = compile(text, "", "exec")
        eval(code, {}, namespace)
        if verbose:
            print "new namespace:"
            print namespace
        return namespace
    except SystemExit, e:
            exit_code = int(e)
            exit_code = -1
        etype, value, tb = sys.exc_info()
        s = "".join(traceback.format_exception(etype, value, tb))
        s = "Exception raised in the Python code:\n" + s

and here is how I use matplotlib to plot some finite element base
functions from within C++:

    insert_object("v", array_double_c2numpy(v->val, n));
    insert_object("x", array_double_c2numpy(e->x, n));
    insert_object("y", array_double_c2numpy(e->y, n));
    insert_object("counter", int_c2py(counter));
    cmd("import util");
    cmd("util.plotxy(x, y, v, counter)");

where util.py is my python script which plots it. It works like a
charm. So keep me posted how you use Sage from C/C++, I am interested
in your approach.


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