Hi folks, Sage 4.3.2 was released on February 06th, 2010. It is available at
http://www.sagemath.org/download.html * About Sage (http://www.sagemath.org) Sage is developed by volunteers and combines over 90 open source packages. It is available for download from www.sagemath.org and its mirrors in source or binary form. If you have any questions and/or problems, please report them to the Google groups sage-devel or sage-support. You can also drop by in #sage-devel on freenode. --------------------------------------------------------------------- The source tarball is available at http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/mvngu/sage-src/sage-4.3.2.tar The sage.math binary tarball is at http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/mvngu/sage.math-bin/sage-4.3.2-sage.math.washington.edu-x86_64-Linux.tar.gz And the upgrade path is http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/mvngu/release/upgrade/sage-4.3.2/ The following 41 people contributed to this release. Of those, 2 made their first contribution to Sage: * Alex Ghitza * Alex Leone * Alexandre Blondin Massé [first contribution] * Burcin Erocal * Christian Wuthrich * Craig Citro * Dan Drake * David Joyner * David Kirkby * David Roe * Florent Hivert * Jaap Spies * Jason Bandlow * Jason Grout * John Cremona * John Palmieri * Karl-Dieter Crisman * Maite Aranes * Marshall Hampton * Martin Albrecht * Michael Brickenstein * Mike Hansen * Minh Van Nguyen * Mitesh Patel * Nathann Cohen * Nicolas M. Thiéry * Nils Bruin * Peter Jeremy * Rishikesh * Rob Beezer * Robert Bradshaw * Robert Mařík * Robert Miller * Ross Kyprianou [first contribution] * Sebastian Pancratz * Sébastien Labbé * Tim Dumol * Tom Boothby * Volker Braun * Willem Jan Palenstijn * William Stein Release Manager * Minh Van Nguyen * Major features, new spkg's and bug fixes * Package updates: ATLAS, Boehm_gc, cddlib, cliquer, libgcrypt, Python * Package upgrades: gfan, R, Singular * New package: SageTeX * Bug Statistics We closed 125 tickets. For details see http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/milestone/sage-4.3.2 or check out the closed ticket section at the end of the announcement. * Upcoming Release The upcoming release is Sage 4.3.3, scheduled to come out after Sage Days 20 in Marseille, France, from February 22 to February 26, 2010. The theme of Sage Days 20 is combinatorics. For more information on Sage Days 20, see its official website http://www.lirmm.fr/arith/wiki/MathInfo2010/SageDays or the Sage wiki page http://wiki.sagemath.org/daysmarseille * Doctesting Coverage For Sage 4.3.1, we had an overall weighted doctest coverage score of 81.3%, with 24,397 functions. In Sage 4.3.2, we increased the doctest coverage by 0.2% and added 197 new functions. Thus for Sage 4.3.2 we now have * Overall weighted coverage score: 81.5% * Total number of functions: 24,594 * Known issues The upgrade of R to version 2.10.1 solves many problems relating to R optional packages. As of R 2.10.x, iconv is a prerequisite for compiling R. If your system does not have an installation of iconv, then Sage would fail to compile. The issue of iconv relating to Solaris is tracked at ticket #8191, while that relating to Cygwin is tracked at ticket #7319. On Mac OS X 10.6, doctesting the module sage/structure/element_wrapper.py results in a segfault. This issue is tracked at ticket #8177. Closed tickets: #3043: The SPKG.txt of the gfan spkg does not specify license exactly #3338: gfan tarball is not clean upstream #4339: modular forms -- incorporate Nils Skoruppa's code for computing generators for the ring of modular forms of given level #4766: parallel? is lame and incomplete #4959: r's install_packages is broken in many variants of sage #5468: matrix creation over laurent polynomial rings #5580: preparsing error in recursive load of .sage files #5775: Building the documentation after -bdisting is broken #5885: #5567 should throw a deprecation warning #6279: spkg-check fails for the R spkg #6427: Fix doctest failures in sage-4.1.alpha1 #6943: Make @parallel more robust [Reviewed by Tim Dumol] #6987: reorganize section on producing patches with Mercurial #7090: R test suite fails when building with SAGE_CHECK #7833: Peter Jeremy: r-2.9.2 - fix compilation on FreeBSD [Reviewed by David Kirkby] #7903: mixing a non-GNU Fortran compiler with GCC is not detected very early #8024: Update prereq to check for Fortran compiler #8047: Sage 4.3.1 has both lapack-20071123.p0.spkg and lapack-20071123.p1.spkg Merged in sagenb: #3083: Tim Dumol: Make shift-enter docstrings appear in printed / published worksheets [Reviewed by Mitesh Patel; merged in sagenb-0.7] #3844: William Stein: notebook -- worksheet should call sys.path.append(DATA) when being initalized [Reviewed by Mitesh Patel; merged in sagenb-0.7] #4217: Tim Dumol: notebook -- formatting of cells beginning with "%hide %html" is not saved [Reviewed by Mitesh Patel; merged in sagenb-0.7] #4450: Tim Dumol: notebook -- cursor down in last cell wraps around cell, instead of just staying at bottom [Reviewed by Alex Leone; merged in sagenb-0.7] #5263: Tim Dumol: publishing a worksheet displays the URL without the hostname [Reviewed by Mitesh Patel; merged in sagenb-0.7] #5675: Tim Dumol: Auto browser open of notebook does not open to a valid url when interface="" [Reviewed by Alex Leone; merged in sagenb-0.7] #6182: Tim Dumol: Notebook -- Saving a worksheet with double quotes in the worksheet name fails with a weird error [Reviewed by Mitesh Patel; merged in sagenb-0.7] #6353: Tim Dumol: change cookies structure to support multiple notebook logins at different ports [Reviewed by Mitesh Patel; merged in sagenb-0.7] #6368: Alex Leone: shift-tab in the notebook should go back 4 spaces instead of going to the previous input cell [Reviewed by Mitesh Patel; merged in sagenb-0.7] #6475: Tim Dumol: Notebook error page after deleting data file [Reviewed by Alex Leone; merged in sagenb-0.7] #7207: Tim Dumol: from __future__ import <anything> results in a Syntax Error [Reviewed by Alex Leone; merged in sagenb-0.7] #7249: Tim Dumol, Dan Drake: switch the notebook's templating system to Jinja2 [Reviewed by Mitesh Patel; merged in sagenb-0.7] #7434: Alex Leone: notebook: new modal jquery dialog boxes are covered by jmol 3d graphics [Reviewed by Tim Dumol, Mitesh Patel; merged in sagenb-0.7] #7435: Tim Dumol: notebook: help screen talks about DIR variable, which was removed from the notebook a while ago [Reviewed by Alex Leone; merged in sagenb-0.7] #7631: Tim Dumol: notebook -- republishing a worksheet doesn't update the displayed title [Reviewed by Mitesh Patel; merged in sagenb-0.7] #7752: Tim Dumol: RAM is not free after deleting a worksheet [Reviewed by Alex Leone; merged in sagenb-0.7] #7784: Mitesh Patel: Add Makefile, update MANIFEST.in, .hgignore, and spkg-related files [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen; merged in sagenb-0.7.3] #7848: Alex Leone: Fix misleading stuff about HTML cells on sagenb [Reviewed by Tim Dumol; merged in sagenb-0.7] #7962: Tim Dumol: Add link to download all worksheets as a zip file for accounts=True [Reviewed by Mitesh Patel; merged in sagenb-0.7] #7963: Mitesh Patel: Downloading multiple worksheets does not work [Reviewed by Alex Leone; merged in sagenb-0.7] #7969: Tim Dumol, Willem Palenstijn: escaped backslash at end of line in notebook [Reviewed by Mitesh Patel; merged in sagenb-0.7] #7996: Alex Leone: Invisible Text With Dark Theme (White on White Text) [Reviewed by Tim Dumol, Mitesh Patel; merged in sagenb-0.7] #8000: Tim Dumol: Add # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- to the top of all SageNB .py files [Reviewed by Mitesh Patel; merged in sagenb-0.7] #8102: Mitesh Patel: Simplify Sphinxify [Reviewed by John Palmieri; merged in sagenb-0.7.4] #8103: Mitesh Patel: Published worksheets aren't inert [Reviewed by William Stein; merged in sagenb-0.7.1] #8160: John Palmieri: add 'text' option to sphinxify [Reviewed by Mitesh Patel; merged in sagenb-0.7.4] #8167: Mitesh Patel: Use LaTeX-friendly Unicode characters in SageNB docstrings [Reviewed by John Palmieri; merged in sagenb-0.7.4] Merged in sage-4.3.2.alpha0: #2084: Mike Hansen: default 20/40 in padics factory hard coded everywhere [Reviewed by David Roe] #2480: Craig Citro: problem parsing arguments to NumberField.order() [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #2494: Mike Hansen: bugs in evaluation of spherical bessel function [Reviewed by Alex Ghitza] #3436: Sebastian Pancratz: random_matrix() with prescribed density buggy [Reviewed by Tom Boothby, Craig Citro] #3617: Mike Hansen: LarentPolynomial.__call__ is broken for Laurent polynomial's that have negative exponents [Reviewed by Sebastian Pancratz] #4689: Jason Grout: save method for graphics objects does not have an example explicitly using "save" [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #5107: William Stein: incorrect trailing digits for continued fraction [Reviewed by Willem Jan Palenstijn] #5295: Nils Bruin: Make Maxima not read global config files [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen] #5477: Alex Ghitza: Make R.quotient_ring(I) normalize generator in the univariate case (easy to fix!) [Reviewed by Rishikesh] #5501: Robert Bradshaw: pickling high-precision intervals is broken [Reviewed by Tim Dumol] #5843: Willem Jan Palenstijn: race condition in cached_method (should not be shared between instances) [Reviewed by Tim Dumol] #6207: William Stein: roots of polynomial have incorrect parent when ring=R is specified [Reviewed by Alex Ghitza] #6428: Willem Jan Palenstijn: Large exponents overflow to negative in polydict ring [Reviewed by Sebastian Pancratz] #6486: Sebastian Pancratz: minimum distance of all 0 code raised mysterious error message [Reviewed by Craig Citro] #6532: Karl-Dieter Crisman, Jason Grout, Willem Jan Palenstijn: Make R build with recommended packages [Reviewed by Peter Jeremy, Minh Van Nguyen] #6625: Willem Jan Palenstijn: manually removing executable bits doesn't work [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen] #6863: Maite Aranes, John Cremona: Implement cusps over number fields [Reviewed by Craig Citro, John Cremona] #6920: William Stein: irreducible components function is stupid in case of projective space [Reviewed by Alex Ghitza] #7018: John Palmieri: Looking for trees with search_doc("tree") is a bad idea [Reviewed by Dan Drake] #7109: Volker Braun, Marshall Hampton, Alex Ghitza: polyhedra bugs with linearities, rewrite proposal [Reviewed by Volker Braun, Marshall Hampton, Alex Ghitza] #7262: Craig Citro: Have multiplication_by_m() return an EllipticCurveIsogeny object [Reviewed by John Cremona, Chris Wuthrich] #7299: Jason Grout: show() regression: Picture cropped too much [Reviewed by Robert Bradshaw] #7389: Willem Jan Palenstijn: Fallback _point_morphism_class() has wrong signature [Reviewed by Alex Ghitza] #7521: Karl-Dieter Crisman: typo in optional doctest for R interface [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen] #7532: John Cremona: "return NotImplementedError" in ring.pyx [Reviewed by Tim Dumol, John Palmieri] #7535: Tim Dumol: Errors should be raised, not returned. [Reviewed by John Palmieri] #7719: John Cremona, Robert Bradshaw: Improvements to complex AGM [Reviewed by Robert Bradshaw, John Cremona] #7802: Jason Grout: Mention that RNDN is the "ties toward even" version in RealField [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen] #7820: Alex Ghitza, David Kirkby: upgrade gfan to latest release (0.4plus) [Reviewed by Marshall Hampton] #7823: Peter Jeremy: libgcrypt-1.4.4.p1 references incorrect shared library on FreeBSD [Reviewed by David Kirkby] #7824: Peter Jeremy: cliquer-1.2.p2 - add FreeBSD support [Reviewed by David Kirkby] #7830: Jason Grout: function for floating point representation of a number [Reviewed by Robert Bradshaw, John Cremona] #7921: Nicolas M. Thiéry: Categories for extension types via __getattr___ [Reviewed by Robert Bradshaw] #7938: Jason Bandlow: 'term' and 'monomial' are inconsistently used in some Category and combinat code [Reviewed by Nicolas M. Thiéry] #7939: Martin Albrecht: shorten doctests in sage/rings/polynomial/multi_polynomial_ideal.py [Reviewed by Michael Brickenstein, Alex Ghitza] #7949: Sebastian Pancratz: Bit-shifts in Z/(n) [Reviewed by Tom Boothby] #7950: Burcin Erocal: factoring broken in 0 variable polynomial ring [Reviewed by William Stein, Alex Ghitza] #7951: Burcin Erocal: coercion problem with 0 variable polynomials [Reviewed by Robert Bradshaw, Alex Ghitza] #7958: Sebastian Pancratz, Mike Hansen: Conversion of rationals into the fraction field of integer polynomials [Reviewed by Mike Hansen, Sebastian Pancratz] #7976: Florent Hivert: Extends __classcall__ to control inheritance [Reviewed by Nicolas M. Thiéry] #7995: Willem Jan Palenstijn: sage-test doesn't handle all of sage-doctest's return values [Reviewed by Alex Ghitza] #8001: Nicolas M. Thiéry: Stronger category tests [Reviewed by Florent Hivert] #8002: Willem Jan Palenstijn: remove dead code from sage-ptest [Reviewed by Rob Beezer] #8003: Christian Wuthrich: EllipticCurve('522j1').sha().an_padic(13) fails [Reviewed by Robert Miller] #8009: Jason Grout: plot_vector_field does not take a color option [Reviewed by Robert Bradshaw] #8012: Robert Bradshaw: spurious argument in RIF documentation [Reviewed by Tim Dumol] #8020: William Stein: python-2.6.4.p4 spkg *totally breaks* itanium support [Reviewed by Craig Citro] #8021: John Palmieri: ref manual for 4.3.1: error when building (Undefined control sequence \cross) [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen] #8028: Nicolas M. Thiéry: Improvements to element_wrapper [Reviewed by Florent Hivert] #8032: Willem Jan Palenstijn: block matrix doctest [Reviewed by Robert Bradshaw] #8041: William Stein, John Palmieri: docstring for XGCD has Sphinx errors "Unknown control sequence '\*'" in sage-4.3.1 [Reviewed by John Palmieri, Alex Ghitza] #8042: Craig Citro: problem with modular symbols in eclib [Reviewed by Chris Wuthrich] Merged in sage-4.3.2.alpha1: #5524: Nicolas M. Thiéry: Fix missing equality test in attrcall [Reviewed by Jason Bandlow] #6989: Jason Grout: line3d can modify its argument type [Reviewed by Karl-Dieter Crisman] #7325: Robert Marik: Sage cannot solve inequalities [Reviewed by Karl-Dieter Crisman] #7502: Robert Bradshaw: lazy import module [Reviewed by Mitesh Patel] #7617: Dan Drake: include sagetex as a standard spkg [Reviewed by William Stein, Mike Hansen, John Palmieri] #7827: Peter Jeremy: Fix atlas-3.8.3.p9 compilation on FreeBSD [Reviewed by David Kirkby, Minh Van Nguyen] #7878: David Kirkby: remove any spaces in output of testcc.sh and testcxx.sh [Reviewed by Jaap Spies] #8052: David Kirkby: Update prereq to version 0.7 (mostly Fortran issues fixed) [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen] #8057: Jaap Spies: New boehm-gc-7.1.p3.spkg works with Open Solaris x64 as 64-bit [Reviewed by David Kirkby] #8081: Nathann Cohen: documentation bug on new gale_ryser_theorem() [Reviewed by David Joyner] #8083: Robert Mařík: fix accents in LaTeX output [Reviewed by John Palmieri] #8084: John Palmieri: fix "show" in the notebook for strings [Reviewed by Robert Mařík] #8095: Sébastien Labbé: is_primitive of WordMorphism is broken [Reviewed by Alexandre Blondin Massé] #8107: Mitesh Patel: Fewer unnecessary imports from `sage.server.*` [Reviewed by Robert Bradshaw] #8110: Alex Ghitza: fix issue with multi_polynomial.pyx in sage-4.3.2.alpha0 [Reviewed by Martin Albrecht] #8114: Craig Citro, William Stein: doctest failure in `sage/libs/cremona/newforms.pyx` on 32-bit machines from #8042 [Reviewed by William Stein, Craig Citro] #8126: Robert Mařík: fix typo in doc of circle [Reviewed by John Palmieri] Merged in sage-4.3.2.rc0: #7933: Minh Van Nguyen: update copyright years to span 2005--2010 [Reviewed by Mitesh Patel] #8022: John Palmieri: ref manual for 4.3.1: fix warning about misc/attach.rst [Reviewed by Mitesh Patel] #8036: Mitesh Patel: Sage 4.3.1 reference manual: PDF version failed to build due to non-ASCII characters in docstring [Reviewed by John Palmieri] #8045: John Palmieri: add elliptic integrals to the reference manual [Reviewed by Mitesh Patel] #8108: Rob Beezer, Minh Van Nguyen: Expand the Sage Developer Guide for newcomers [Reviewed by Ross Kyprianou, John Palmieri] #8132: Robert Mařík: fix documentation related to ODE solvers [Reviewed by David Joyner] #8136: John Palmieri: fix ref manual issues in linear_code.py [Reviewed by David Joyner] #8144: John Palmieri: SageTeX is not actually installed under SAGE_LOCAL [Reviewed by Dan Drake] #8146: John Palmieri: building HTML version of French tutorial is broken [Reviewed by Mitesh Patel] #8147: Rob Beezer: Add mercurial queues information to Developer Walkthrough [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen, Rob Beezer] #8179: Volker Braun: configure Mercurial to ignore two binaries by cddlib [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen] -- Regards Minh Van Nguyen -- To post to this group, send an email to sage-devel@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to sage-devel+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel URL: http://www.sagemath.org