Dear colleague,

This is the first announcement for the conference to be held at CIRM,
Marseille, France, from February 22, 2010 to February 26, 2010.

                       |  Sage Days 20  |

Sage is a free open-source software for mathematical computations.
Its mission is to provide a viable alternative to commercial software
like Maple or Mathematica, and its community is growing fast worldwide.

The objective of this program is threefold:

    1. to provide a gentle introduction to Sage (installation,
       features, tutorials on basic usage and development);

    2. to study and discuss the usage of Sage in (French) education;

    3. to host design and programming sessions, with a special
       focus on the themes of CIRM's thematic month Math-Info 2010.

The topics to be covered include algebraic combinatorics (semi-groups,
Coxeter groups, representation theory, ...); discretized dynamical systems
(combinatorics on words, tilings, train-tracks, Rauzy classes of interval
exchange transformations, origamis,...); tilings; homology computation; etc.

You will find information on this program on the website:

You will find more information about Sage on the website:


    * Meinolf Geck
        CHEVIE and the algorithmic theory of Coxeter groups
        and Hecke algebras

    * Florent Hivert and Franco Saliola
        Introduction to Sage: Mini-Course and Tutorials

    * Samuel Lelievre and Gabriella Schmithuesen
        Origamis and square tiled surfaces--an algorithmic approach to 
Teichmüller curves

    * François Maltey
        Un Sage pour accompagner l'enseignement des mathématiques

    * Jean-Éric Pin
        "Semigroupe" and the algorithmic theory of finite semigroups

    * Nicolas M. Thiéry
        Introduction to Sage-Combinat: features, design, and tutorials

The morning sessions will be dedicated to the talks, and the afternoon
sessions will be devoted to informal coding sessions. The afternoon
sessions may also include shorter talks and discussions on advanced
topics. Wednesday's program will be in dedicated to exploring the use of
Sage in high school education, and will be held in French.


The conference will provide ample opportunity for both the experienced
and the newcomers to work on coding projects. You can propose or sign
up to participate in a coding sprint directly on the following web page:


It is strongly recommended that participants bring their own laptop.

If you intend to participate, *you need to register* as soon as
possible on the website:

This conference is part of the thematic month "Math-Info 2010 -
Towards new interactions between mathematics and computer science".
There will be no registration fee.

For any question, you may contact:

Sincerely Yours,
The organizing committee.

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