I have a proposal about M * A, where M is a Sage matrix and A a NumPy 
array. The current behaviour appears to be the Kronecker product; I'm 
guessing that this is just be a side-effect of Python applying 
element-wise __mul__ (if it is intentional and relied upon, this 
proposal got harder).

I don't know if you do code in custom behaviour with non-Sage objects, 
but anyway:

The suggestion is to have M (the Sage matrix) act as a linear 
transformation on "stacked vectors", where the first axis of the array A 
is used for right-mul and the last axis of A for left-mul. Example:

sage: M=random_matrix(RDF, 3, 10)
sage: A = numpy.ones((10, 23, 34), dtype=numpy.double)
sage: type(M*A)
<type 'numpy.ndarray'>
sage: (M*A).shape
(3, 23, 34)
sage: (A*random_matrix(RDF, 34, 5)).shape
(10, 23, 5)

This maintains (S.transpose() * M.T).T = M*S, and is the matrix product 
for 2-dimensional NumPy arrays. A doesn't represent anything in linear 
algebra, it just causes (for convenience) repeated application of the 
linear transformation to the rows/columns of A.

I'd love to promise to implement it but I have no idea how hard it is to 
pull off, so I'll promise two days of work if this is accepted and 
somebody provides me with an attack plan.

Dag Sverre

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