Fascinating discussion.

I just want to emphasize two things as a representative of those who
knew virtually nothing about programming or open source when we

1) If you're serious about this doctesting (esp. on different
platforms) thing, there has to be a way to make it drop-dead easy -
like, "when you click submit on Trac, it starts testing on fresh
builds of the latest rc on five different chips".  Maybe not that
quick, but something that does not require a contributor to have
access to any computer but their own.  For many of us, that's enough
of a struggle!

2) We should stay at the level of intervention with the releases we
currently have.  Allowing anyone to merge after they become a guru is
not good - how do you get experience to reach that level?  But
introducing a lot of formal layers of review would discourage people
who are questioning their competence to submit that first patch,
giving that first positive review - and if you look at lists of who
reviews patches, and see who gives advice online, there clearly
already *is* a lieutenant system of sorts for different parts of

We can do it!  At least some of those 12000+ users of sagenb.org have
to have an itch to scratch... if we increase our number of "experts"
who can do the boring details of release management by an order of
magnitude or so, we should be in the right ballpark to avoid burnout.

- kcrisman
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