> >> 2) On HP-UX, the configure script can't work out how many CPUs I have,
> >> what sort they are, but then tries to determine the cache size. This
> >> causes the configure script to break.
> >>
> >> The macro for determining the number of CPUs
> >>
> >> http://git.savannah.gnu.org/gitweb/?p=autoconf-archive.git;a=blob_plain;
> >>f=m 4/ax_count_cpus.m4
> >>
> >> is clearly only designed to work on linux and Mac. So it will fail on
> >> other platforms, including Solaris which is supported, and HP-UX which
> >> is not.
> >
> > It should fail gracefully, doesn't it?
> The configure script does fail gracefully on HP-UX when it tries to
> determine the number of CPUs.
> checking the number of available CPUs... unable to detect (assuming 1)
> checking the number of available CPUs... unable to detect (assuming 1)
> It should not take too much effort to actually get a number, so it does
> not have to assume 1.
> There is a question about what do you want - is it physical processors,
> cores or hardware threads? I'm not really sure the best way to do this.
> On the Sun T5240 (t2.math), there are two physical processors, 16 cores
> and 128 threads. So what number do we want - 2, 16 or 128?  I suspect
> cores is the most useful one, to have, but I'm not sure how to get that
> information.

I agree cores should be the most useful one for now. Basically, whatever has 
L1 cache should be returned. Its all about cache for M4RI.

> I would add there is some pretty negative comments about that macro for
> determining the number of CPUs in the autoconf macro archive. Clearly it
> is badly written. I think the way to approach it will be me re-write it,
> then get some of the experts there to go over it.

I agree it is not a nice script, I just lack the proper autotools skills to 
make it really nice. Maybe those experts will help :)


name: Martin Albrecht
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_www: http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~malb
_jab: martinralbre...@jabber.ccc.de

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