On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 6:16 PM, Dr. David Kirkby
<david.kir...@onetel.net> wrote:
> William Stein wrote:
>>>> I'm pretty much by default against adding any new standard packages to
>>>> Sage anytime soon.    I can't think of anything even on the horizon.
>>>> Maybe some sort of linear programming code is being proposed.     Can
>>>> anybody else think of anything?
>>> PIL and glpk are on the horizon. PIL has already recieved a positive vote.
>> I had forgotten about them -- thanks for pointing them out.
>> Fortunately, those are both mainstream widely mature packages -- note
>> that both cliquer and ratpoints are highly specialized with (probably)
>> one developer.  In contrast PIL is the standard Python imaging library
>> and glpk the standard GPL'd linear programming library.  So that
>> helps.   But this time, let's be very careful about how these actually
>> get included in Sage.
> If something is obscure and presenting problems, should it be moved out
> of the standard packages and to optional?

I do not think cliquer should be moved out since Nathan, Minh, and
others have been actively working on resolving all problems.   If
there were an spkg that was causing issues, and nobody were working on
it, and we could remove it without too much trouble, that would be
different (quadpack comes to mind, by the way).


> Certainly cliquer has issues
> on Solaris, with it forcing the use of gcc, then at another point
> failing to build it if can't find 'cc' (that was on the first release of
> Solaris 10 I would add - it is less problematic on later releases).
> Dave
> >

William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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