Dear all,

I tried different ways of applying a patch and probably made a bit of a 
mess in my repository. Is there a way to revert it back to a clean 4.1.1 
install? I keep getting a message about an uncommitted merge...

Here is what I did in OSX 10.4:

| Sage Version 4.1.1, Release Date: 2009-08-14                       |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |
sage: hg_sage.revert('--all')

Make sure to create a ~/.hgrc file:
username = William Stein <>

cd "/Users/sschym/Programs/sage/devel/sage" && hg revert --all
abort: uncommitted merge - please provide a specific revision

Thanks for your help!


William Stein wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 2:09 PM, kcrisman<> wrote:
>> On Aug 26, 11:06 am, David Joyner <> wrote:
>>> The way I do this (which may not be the best way) is
>>> 1. cd to the SAGE_ROOT directory
>>> 2. ./sage -b main    (this assures you are starting from the main
>>> branch and not cloning form a clone)
>>> 3. ./sage -clone ABCDx (where ABCD is the trac number you are
>>> applying the patch from and x=a for the first clone,
>>> x=b for the second clone, if needed, and so on)
>>> 4. ./sage (start sage)
>>> 5. type hg_sage.apply("/path/to/the/patch/trac_ABCD_blahblah.patch")
>> It is worth pointing out that if one uses
>> hg_sage.import_patch("/path/.../blah.patch",options="--no-commit")
>> it is MUCH easier to remove the patch after you test it.  That means
>> no more needing to make a new clone for each test, and allows people
>> like me to avoid using queues just a little bit longer.
> You don't have to do that.  You can do:
>   sage: hg_sage.apply('... url ...')
>   sage: quit
> ./sage -br
>   sage: <try it out>
>   This needs work! Argh.
>   sage: hg_sage.rollback()
>   sage: hg_sage.revert('--all')
>   sage: quit
> Now your repo is as if you never applied the patch.
> You can only rollback one time though, so you can't apply multiple
> patches -- if you want to to that you need to clone or use queues.
> William
> >


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