Dear devel,

I'm working on #6388, and just want to confirm that Golam's request is
in fact the behavior we would desire.  To wit:

sage: a = Integer(-1)
sage: a.log()
ValueError about input being negative
sage: log(-1)
Same ValueError, since preparser turns -1 into Integer(-1)
sage: log(SR(-1))
sage: log(CC(-1))

Would anything break if a.log() returned a symbolic answer as above?
Alternately, one could place a check in the global log() for
nonpositive integers and make them symbolic before moving on.  Or one
could leave the existing behavior and just document it better.

Something similar happens for input zero, except here SR(0) and CC(0)
give various forms of infinity while the request is for log(0) as an

I think these are all easy to implement, but since there are several
options and some of them might have implication for some code (integer
stuff, or perhaps plotting) I did want to ask if there were any

- kcrisman
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