On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 7:04 AM, kcrisman<kcris...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear sage-devel,
> MAA president David Bressoud talks about Wolfram Alpha here:
> http://www.maa.org/columns/launchings/launchings_08_09.html
> The relevance to sage-devel is the interesting semantic interpreting
> of various requests for integrals in the second or third paragraph.
> Not that Sage will be going that way anytime soon, and perhaps
> shouldn't have such semantic interpretation skills, but seems
> interesting nonetheless.

It says: "The kinds of questions that WeBWorK is best at asking are
the same questions that Wolfram|Alpha is best at answering."     I'm
getting these funny "War Games" images in my head that involve WeBWorK
automatically and rapidly asking questions, Wolfram|Alpha rapidly
answering them, and eventually deciding the answer is "Global
Thermo-Nuclear War".


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