On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 11:25 AM, Simon King<simon.k...@nuigalway.ie> wrote:
> Hi Sage-Devels,
> apparently my new boss is very good in TeX: He showed me a draft (or
> better: proof of concept) of a book in pdf format, and when you click
> the examples, a gap session pops up and lets you compute these
> examples. Or, if you click some (static) 3d-picture, an application
> pops up, and then you can drag the object with the mouse and view it
> from all sides.
> This seems pretty cool to me.
> Is it something that sage supports and facilitates (I guess my boss
> had to put a lot of hand work in it)? Or have you experience with such

Would the following work (and maybe more secure): use \url{...} tags
in the latex source which link to published (or local, on your computer)
Sage notebook worksheets (which could run GAP or Sage or a 3dplot or whatever)?
Compile using pdflatex and you have your more-or-less interactive pdf.

> funny tricks? Of course I pointed out to him that one could probably
> do similar things with a Sage worksheet, but still, interactive pdf
> seems quite appealing to me.
> Best regards,
> Simon
> >

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