Minh Nguyen wrote:
> Hi David,
> On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 10:52 PM, Dr. David
> Kirkby<david.kir...@onetel.net> wrote:
>> Running 'make test' I'm seeing a load average of 13 on my dual processor
>> Sun, which it is not exactly happy about!
>> Here's the output from prstat
>>  16735 drkirkby   30M   25M run     45    0   0:37:43  11% maxima/1
>>  28928 drkirkby   34M   29M run     35    0   0:27:01 8.4% maxima/1
>>   8183 drkirkby  105M   62M run     45    0   0:00:03 4.8% python/1
>>      1 root     2896K 1760K run     49    0   0:05:22 1.9% init/1
>>   7724 drkirkby  216M  147M sleep   59    0   0:17:48 1.6% firefox-bin/8
>>   4746 drkirkby  147M   93M sleep   54    0   0:03:19 1.0% python/1
>>  22470 drkirkby  167M  122M run     58    0   0:00:49 0.8% python/1
>>    691 drkirkby  203M   80M sleep   59    0   0:54:05 0.6% Xsun/1
>>    913 drkirkby  140M   42M sleep   59    0   0:03:37 0.5% gnome-terminal/2
>>   8100 drkirkby 8144K 5864K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.4% python/1
>>  11708 drkirkby 3504K 2776K cpu0    39    0   0:00:00 0.1% prstat/1
>>   1850 drkirkby   20M   13M sleep   49    0   0:04:24 0.0% sunpcbinary/3
>>    777 noaccess  210M  116M sleep   59    0   0:02:08 0.0% java/18
>>    911 drkirkby   68M 5680K sleep   49    0   0:01:51 0.0%
>> gnome-netstatus/1
>>    945 drkirkby  236M   75M sleep   49    0   0:03:07 0.0% java/18
>> Total: 129 processes, 326 lwps, load averages: 12.59, 12.73, 12.24
>> Has this been seen before? I noticed an earlier sage used up tons of CPU
>> time. No particularly process seems to be using a lot, but I think
>> processes are starting and stopping quickly.
> Sometimes when I do "make test" and then press control-C before it
> finishes, I would get runaway processes that just keeps on computing
> for hours. This requires a manual kill.

I think I have seen this before. I know I have seen Maxima eat up tons 
of CPU time. But I have some recollection of an unknown consumer of lots 
of CPU power. I have a 'dtrace' script somewhere for debugging this sort 
of behavior. I will try that when it happens next. This got a load 
average of 25 at one point, and then I decided to kill it.


The load average climbed to 25 and whilst the machine was still just 
about usable, I terminated the test.

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